When do you expect the next update to be released?


Senior Member
May 8, 2020
Tasty Cake
Hey everyone! I think all of us might be wondering when the next update will be arriving considering Nintendo has stopped giving us hints on when they would be released. The next update is rather controversial in the sense that it has many speculating whether it will be a 1.10 update or 2.0 one instead. So I'm sure this thread should be a fun way to theorize about it. Personally, part of me hopes that this is a 2.0 update and it arrives next week, I really miss this game and I would love to come back to it, but I need something to grab my attention again! It's a perfect time to introduce a major 2.0 update especially with summer coming up soon. Let me know what you think!
If we do get a 2.0 I don't think we will hear about it until (or around) e3 in june
May 1 for May Day, hopefully. Honestly, I'm incredibly nervous for this upcoming update. We all know how much content is missing from this game. To me, it's now or never that our wishes will either be granted or demolished.

Announcing 2.0 on the 20th anniversary of the franchise was a missed opportunity, but Nintendo operates differently than us consumers expect/hope for. Either way, I expect the 2.0 announcement by the end of next week at the absolute latest
I am thinking we might get an announcement very late in the month (probably the 27th, 28th, or 29th).
I actually don't know what they are planning for the next update. People speculate they will have the May day/Museum day stuff but I think it is possible they may scrap those altogether this year. If they do add those I hope they'll at least update the Museum day stuff to be more interesting than it was last year. To me it's possible they skip a May update altogether and have a substantial update in June.
I'm not sure what direction they're going in so it's hard to predict. It seems like things are being kept way more secret now to the point they're not even letting us know a general time when to expect the next update like they used to. If that helps them feel less pressure then that's nice, but I do miss knowing the general time to expect updates.
I don't know what is going to happen, but I'm wondering if they are going to slow down on the updates now that the holidays have been accounted for. I still think there will be updates, but instead of every 1-2 months, I wonder if there may be a longer time between updates.
I have no real expectations or predictions about the next update. I would love to hear about one soon, even a trailer would be nice, and I would love something significant... but I'm not really expecting anything soon or big. I think the Mario and Sanrio updates were pretty significant.

I do wonder if they'll redo the wedding event or redo or repeat the Rover/maze event. If I had one guess, I'd say maybe they'll do some sort of classroom/school themed event. Nintendo likes to repeat themes, and in Pocket Camp (and even HDD with Maddie DLC), classroom stuff seems to be popular. There's also like 4 wedding sets in PC.
After a number of bits of false hope over the past week or so (the 20th anniversary, Nature Day) I’m going to go back to what I thought when this update was announced: the next update is going to come out in the last week of April... more specifically the 29th, as Japan goes on holiday for Golden Week then and there’s nothing currently active in the game for May yet.

I don’t think we’re going to have to wait as long as E3, although I do think they might announce something there?

On a side note: this is the update that’s lasted for the longest amount of time this year! Festivale, the Mario update and this update all came out within 7 weeks, whereas this one’s lasted for 5 weeks so far.
I was hoping for news by the end of this week, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I do know they need to announce and drop it before May Day, so maybe next week?
At the latest, I'm assuming we'll get something announced at E3. There's no guarantee of course, but that's what my guess would be.
I'm still betting on a 1.10 update instead, because expecting an update big enough to justify calling it "version two" feels kind of odd to me considering the size of the other updates.

I think we'll either get something small soon (perhaps in an update that potentially also unlocks the May Day event for this year or maybe an update scheduled for next month?), or we won't be hearing anything for a long time before they add anything again.
Also, we've been spoiled with recent update trailers dropping monthly (or for the Sanrio, bi-monthly), but remember that all of the April/May/June updates were all in one combined trailer last year!
Well if I remember correctly last year we did have an update around this time for Leif and May Day so I suppose I'd be expecting one next week sometime IF Nintendo decides to do another May Day event this year. I'm not getting my hopes up too much but I think it would be fun if we got another new NPC or new furniture or something.
I honestly have no idea. I stopped waiting for updates months ago since I only ended up finding myself disappointed with them (not saying there weren’t things I liked since there were, but Idk, I feel like these updates could be better for a new AC game). I want to hope it will be something that everyone will be satisfied with or like at least one thing in it, but not going to keep my hopes up. I’m not trying to be a “debbie downer.” Just trying to be realistic and not get my expectations too high.
I have stopped worrying about updates. They will come when they come. Nintendo probably has better things to worry about honestly 😂

If I was to predict one coming, I would say sometime in May. Maybe?
Apparently, Nature Day Nook Mile achievements are disabled for this year. The Cool Globe is really all that we got. I just checked (it's already the 23rd here).

As for when an update is expected, we should be getting one before May 1st. May Day and Int'l Museum Day are timelocked and we need an update to enable it. Whether it will include anything else, we don't know.

Since Nintendo is joining E3 this year, I'm thinking that they might be reserving a more substantial update for that.
We're pretty close to E3 now and we just finished with a pretty large spring update. So Id guess that the next one would be either announced or available some time during E3.
We're pretty close to E3 now and we just finished with a pretty large spring update. So Id guess that the next one would be either announced or available some time during E3.

Here's a much more in-depth look on the schedule...

May Day is May 1-7.
International Museum Day is May 18-31.
Wedding Season is June 1-30.

An update is necessary next week to unlock the above events.

E3 2021 happens from June 12-15, which is already in the middle of the Wedding Season. So assuming a huge update is announced at that time, it's for the months of July, August & September.
Here's a much more in-depth look on the schedule...

May Day is May 1-7.
International Museum Day is May 18-31.
Wedding Season is June 1-30.

An update is necessary next week to unlock the above events.

E3 2021 happens from June 12-15, which is already in the middle of the Wedding Season. So assuming a huge update is announced at that time, it's for the months of July, August & September.
We may not necessarily see these events again this year though. The Nook miles goals event for Earth day last year didnt come back this year. Also, we've had dry months where we got no downloads or updates, like in Sept. last year. At this point, unless Nintendo relrases some indication of what direction they're taking, what happens is anyone's guess.
My assumption is sometime in the summer. Although I've kinda fallen off my acnh routine now and barely touch the game except to hopefully run into Gulliver or Redd. So if I have to wait for a really long time, I think I'll be fine. I'm not quite ready to make a return to my island any time soon 😅 But if a big update drops, I'll feel obligated to complete all the events and collect everything new. So I'm dreading it just a little bit lol.