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When is AC: 3DS coming out!?

I did read the post i just said it wasn't AS likely, not that it was correct.

Please read my post correctly next time.

I feel you're having trouble comprehending what is stated in my posts, since you seem not to understand at all what is happening. The AC trend has nothing to do with releases of any other games. It has to do with when AC comes out and where.

Your post had nothing to do with the release of AC, but with the release of the "majority of games" with no backing aside from your saying so.

I just stated that NA has releases incredibly close to Japan (we actually got City Folk a day before Japan did), and EU always has to wait. Also, there are videos with English text in the game. This gives me a pretty good idea that NA will once again be right next to Japan.

EU will be 2013, which will be the latest release. *EDIT Perhaps not the latest release, but the latest mass release

I hope this clears things up.
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I feel you're having trouble comprehending what is stated in my posts, since you seem not to understand at all what is happening. The AC trend has nothing to do with releases of any other games. It has to do with when AC comes out and where.

Your post had nothing to do with the release of AC, but with the release of the "majority of games" with no backing aside from your saying so.

I just stated that NA has releases incredibly close to Japan (we actually got City Folk a day before Japan did), and EU always has to wait. Also, there are videos with English text in the game. This gives me a pretty good idea that NA will once again be right next to Japan.

EU will be 2013, which will be the latest release.

I hope this clears things up.

Im not sure if this was intentional but that post came across real douchey.

What I meant was that recently quite a few gaming series that have seemed to change there 'release patterns' a bit which is visible on their Facebook pages for example on which fans are moaning about "Europe's gotten it before the US etc."If this has happened with other series there's a chance it may happen with AC

I feel you don't realise that all I was saying that it isn't as likely, not that it wasn't going to happen. I never gave a definitive statement. There is a strong chance you'll get it before us but it isn't certain, It is not exactly set in stone as things do change, I was just saying that there is a slightly decreased chance of it. I don't really see why you've decided that you have to crush my post completely and kind of insult me
Im not sure if this was intentional but that post came across real douchey.

What I meant was that recently quite a few gaming series that have seemed to change there 'release patterns' a bit which is visible on their Facebook pages for example on which fans are moaning about "Europe's gotten it before the US etc."If this has happened with other series there's a chance it may happen with AC

I feel you don't realise that all I was saying was it isn't as likely not that it wasn't going to happen. I never gave a definitive statement. There is a strong chance you'll get it before us but it isn't certain, It is not exactly set in stone as things do change, I was just saying that there is a slightly decreased chance of it. I don't really see why you've decided that you have to crush my post completely and kind of insult me

If I've given offense I apologize, as that is not my intention. This is just my style of typing.

I guess I'm just stretching to see how the release of other games compares to this particular franchise. I could agree with you if this thread were about video game releases in general, but AC has been pretty consistent. And some companies are based in EU, and I would assume that their products would come out in EU before NA, which is a vital part of this decision.

In honest curiosity, was your initial post geared towards Nintendo or just the vidja world in general?
Based on the theory, that NA will get AC:3DS shortly after Japan do you think that we will get a lot of info from NA Nintedo Direct in August??
If I've given offense I apologize, as that is not my intention. This is just my style of typing.

I guess I'm just stretching to see how the release of other games compares to this particular franchise. I could agree with you if this thread were about video game releases in general, but AC has been pretty consistent. And some companies are based in EU, and I would assume that their products would come out in EU before NA, which is a vital part of this decision.

In honest curiosity, was your initial post geared towards Nintendo or just the vidja world in general?

Well I had no intention of causing any offense so it that case I apologise. It wasn't 'geared' towards anyone, I was merely saying that it could change as other things have before, That's all. I have no idea why we decided to argue xD
On the EB games site, it says it's released on december 31st this year for Canada (probably the same for all of North America). Sorry if someone has already mentioned this.

I'd like that date, but that just seems so weird on New Years Eve and a few days after Christmas, that is just so weird, it most likely is an estimate date and we wil lbe getting it sooner.
Based on the theory, that NA will get AC:3DS shortly after Japan do you think that we will get a lot of info from NA Nintedo Direct in August??

It's possible they will touch on it, but if it's anything (unless it's another ten minutes of AC3DS) I'd assume it would only be an official release date, but i'm still doubtful that will happen.

Well I had no intention of causing any offense so it that case I apologise. It wasn't 'geared' towards anyone, I was merely saying that it could change as other things have before, That's all. I have no idea why we decided to argue xD

Because arguing keeps the mind at its best! I agree that it could change, however I severely doubt it. Also, on a somewhat related note, in the EU versions of AC, does it use EU-specific terminology? Such as "tram" for "train" (if that's ever right, but hopefully you understand my point)? I was wondering why the AC release has always been in NA before EU, and that's the only thing I can really see being worth it, as gearing terminology and slang to make the animals characteristics and personalities genuine.

On the EB games site, it says it's released on december 31st this year for Canada (probably the same for all of North America). Sorry if someone has already mentioned this.

I've actually noticed that Wal Mart's website here in the states has it set for the 31st as well. WM has a lot of direct marketing and business with, through and for Nintendo, so it's very possible that that is the correct date.
Because arguing keeps the mind at its best! I agree that it could change, however I severely doubt it. Also, on a somewhat related note, in the EU versions of AC, does it use EU-specific terminology? Such as "tram" for "train" (if that's ever right, but hopefully you understand my point)? I was wondering why the AC release has always been in NA before EU, and that's the only thing I can really see being worth it, as gearing terminology and slang to make the animals characteristics and personalities genuine.

Strangely enough, from what i remember it doesn't, I'm 90% sure that in WW and City Folk they refer to trousers as pants and other stuff like that (Vacations and such). The only thing they've only changed is "CF's" title to Lets go to the City and thats only because some of our European languages don't have a word for Folk.

Thinking about that a delay could be something to do with translating to other languages? Or can you select like French, Italian, German etc on your version/s?
I am pretty sure it just stay in English, though there may be a way to change your console's language which would change the game's.
Strangely enough, from what i remember it doesn't, I'm 90% sure that in WW and City Folk they refer to trousers as pants and other stuff like that (Vacations and such). The only thing they've only changed is "CF's" title to Lets go to the City and thats only because some of our European languages don't have a word for Folk.

Thinking about that a delay could be something to do with translating to other languages? Or can you select like French, Italian, German etc on your version/s?

We do not. It's all English. But I suppose running through all the translations for the big EU release is probably a dominating factor.

Consoles generally have a language selector, but the language on the game is that language it came with. It doesn't conform to the language on the console.
Walmart's website also has the fan-made box art as box art. There is no way New Years will be the release date. Nintendo usually releases games on Sunday in NA
Consoles generally have a language selector, but the language on the game is that language it came with. It doesn't conform to the language on the console.


and walmart will still have the fanart cover up months after the real boxart is out, they just don't give a crap.
But the US will get it way before New Years. I'd say probably a week or two after Japan, if that.
I cbf quoting stuff but.
To the person who said it will be released in 2013 in the netherlands, and the person who responded with "source" - nintendo confirmed it would be released in 2013 for Europe

to the person who said it would be released Dec 31. I dont even need to research it to know for a fact its a place holder - adding to that, it's a monday and tmk nintendo releases games in america on a sunday

to the person who said the theory that NA will get AC3DS shortly after Japan, hate to be rude, but i doubt it'll happen. I doubt Nintendo will have the game in english and then release it in Europe next year. seems impracticable IMO
I cbf quoting stuff but.
To the person who said it will be released in 2013 in the netherlands, and the person who responded with "source" - nintendo confirmed it would be released in 2013 for Europe

to the person who said it would be released Dec 31. I dont even need to research it to know for a fact its a place holder - adding to that, it's a monday and tmk nintendo releases games in america on a sunday

to the person who said the theory that NA will get AC3DS shortly after Japan, hate to be rude, but i doubt it'll happen. I doubt Nintendo will have the game in english and then release it in Europe next year. seems impracticable IMO

As far as Sunday, I haven't looked into the day of the weeks the dates are. As far as release right around Japan, you weren't being rude, but I have a strong belief it'll happen, as it's happened every time before. I am only basing my bet on past releases, and there are a couple vids with in English instead of Japanese. I don't think it's expecting too much to assume we'll have a close release.

As far as it being in English and not going straight to Europe because of that, NA is a lot of English. European countries are Austria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
San Marino
United Kingdom

That's waaay more languages to pump into it. That's more teams doing more things, making sure it all makes sense, making sure it keeps up with the animals' personalities. So instead of releasing only English and Japanese versions for the whole world, it's translated. If only English was out and the rest took so long, it could hurt sales. So they may just be waiting to release EU in all languages involved in EU.

I could most definitely be wrong, but I honestly think this is a good reason for EU to have such a later release and NA to keep close to Japan.

I also think we should note in the Nintendo Direct session when they said it would be released in EU 2013 because they wanted to make sure it satisfied everyone to the fullest extent or whatever. That could very well be reasoned behind languages. I know I'd be much less inclined to buy a game I do not/only partially understand.
not quoting since yours is a long post, but i could have sworn i played my german friends version of WW and it was in english (yes he bought the game in germany)

also, i still doubt they'll release it in europe so long after the NA release, they rarely do it with games, they're releasing BW2 in europe 5 days after america. Why would they release AC X months after NA's release just because it's AC?
to me it just doesn't seem logical

Not all those countries have different languages xD , I'd say they're will be 6-9 languages :)