• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Where did you put your home?

I put mine next to the cliff... and the waterfall from the river to the ocean. I wish I could have put it closer to the train, but the only spit of land around there doesn't have enough room for my house.
I put mine in front of the ramp that leads to the beach witch is also next to retail and town hall and the river is right behind all of that.
Straight above my tree, I'm going to place an arch that you can walk through to get to it :)
I wanted to put it near the waterfall,but it said that it was too close to the river.Then i tried the beach and it said it was too close to the cliff so I'm like w/e, I'll just set it in between the beach and waterfall.A couple cobblestone pattern paths around the town,a few community projects,plant flowers near the pavement,etc.It should look good :blush:

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I put mine in front of the ramp that leads to the beach witch is also next to retail and town hall and the river is right behind all of that.

Right in front of the ramp O.O; LOL love your avatar XD
Very close to a river, kind of in the upside down U area some rivers have. Lots of room for everything I want to do, and hopefully no one moves in too close for comfort.
I wanted to put it near the waterfall,but it said that it was too close to the river.Then i tried the beach and it said it was too close to the cliff so I'm like w/e, I'll just set it in between the beach and waterfall.A couple cobblestone pattern paths around the town,a few community projects,plant flowers near the pavement,etc.It should look good :blush:

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Right in front of the ramp O.O; LOL love your avatar XD
well in front as in its were you can look over the cliff and the ramp not like blocking it
and glad ya like my avatar :p
Up in the top-left corner. I was going to put it on a cliff overlooking the waterfall but there was this cute little space with my own private pond so... there I went!
i just wanted somewhere near the middle of the map by the river that runs through, which now borders my house on two sides - it's a little out of the way from everything else, but at least someone is moving in next door tomorrow.

i'm really going to need a bridge soon ... poor nate - i can literally see his house across the river, but have to go all the way around to get there. he's never going to have any visitors!!
My town had a little tiny section of beach that was separate from the rest of the beaches, and there were no houses nearby, so I put my house next to the ramp leading to my own private beach. :D

I also have a little pond right next to it, and the waterfall to the ocean is only a few steps away.
I put my house across the river from the town hall, next to a waterfall and a path leading down to the beach :)

It seemed quite secluded and close to everything I need! :D
I put mine right in the center of town. :)< Mayoral ego at its finest. Luckily, I got a winding river with a bend right in the center that acts kind of like a moat for my house. It's perfect placement for a new bridge directly from the beach to my front door, too ! Only thing I hate about it is that Diva moved RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE. *shakes fist*
I put mine next to the beach waterfall simply because I wanted a private area where no one can move in at my sides or in front of me. I also want to make a small garden of bushes and flowers in front of my house, overlooking the ocean. I love it and don't care if it's the most common location!
At first I wanted to place mine by the river kinda near the waterfall but there was a rock in my way, so I ended up putting it near Re-Tail and Town Hall. It worked out a lot better for me. Except for the fact that there's two houses right in front of my house. T_T