• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Where did you put your home?

I put my home in between town hall and retail and it was also in a nice secluded area, and suddenly everyone decided to cram into the area that I put my house D;
I put mine just below the river and above Re-Tail. It's much more convenient now that I have a suspension bridge right beside it!
Mine's right above a waterfall leading to the ocean!
I put mine at the edge of a cliff, next to a waterfall, and next to the ocean... That way no one can move in next to me or in front of me. >> There's literally no space and I like it that way. <3 :)
Where the river loops into a "U" shape and leaves just enough land inside that "U" for one house, I've built mine there. Then I built a bridge behind my house so that I can get to the town area/shopping area/train station quickly. :)
I put mine right in the center of town. :)< Mayoral ego at its finest. Luckily, I got a winding river with a bend right in the center that acts kind of like a moat for my house. It's perfect placement for a new bridge directly from the beach to my front door, too ! Only thing I hate about it is that Diva moved RIGHT BEHIND MY HOUSE. *shakes fist*

HA I hate Diva, My river runs west to east, in the south west corner the river is close to the cliff and makes a narrow area where I put my house, I have a little space to the left of my house I plan to put benches and other gardeny things in. Nobody is close to my house, and only Robin shares the same side of the river as me. My bridge is a little out of the way, but I have a ramp to the beach close by. Retail and town hall are on the top half of the map one off the the right, the other to the left.
I put mine in front of the private beach on the cliff. Its also next to the waterfall. I did want to put it facing the river but the good spot was taken and the other spot I thought of putting it on wouldn't do according to Nook....
Mine is near a waterfall but that wasn't something I noticed until after I selected a place to build my house. I just wanted a little spot where a villager couldn't try and move in next door. :)