Where do you keep your spare glasses?


Chasing Luna MothWings
Mar 3, 2018
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
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Plum Blossom
Fortune Cookie
Night Sky Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Playful Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
So over the years I've gotten new glasses since my eyesight seems to be at a constant downhill and my glasses aren't cutting it for me. But now I have like 4 things of glasses that I don't wear. I usually keep the last pair I got as a spare, but my last pair has a broken frame and idk where I put the lense, cause it fell out.

Usually I keep them on my bookshelf, but even then they just take up space and make clutter.
My previous glasses are hidden somewhere in my closet since they're ugly. It's good to have them around just in case though - my current glasses had to be repaired quite recently, but I still had those older glasses I could wear.
In a box under my desk that I have dedicated to make-up, hair accessories, perfume, contact lenses, etc.
One of my spare glasses are in a box on my book shelf. They are my favourite pair of glasses but the design doesn't suit my current hairstyle LOL. The other is usually on my bedside table. The glasses I wear most of the time is always on my face until the moment I go to sleep, when I put it on my bedside table. So sometimes when I wake up the next morning, I'll grab my spare by accident and just end up wearing that one instead haha.
I don't wear my glasses very often, I usually just wear contacts. I got two new pairs of glasses in August. My pair of purple frames stay in my backpack (I do my college classes online but I take my backpack with me most places so I can work on stuff when I have time). The brown pair I have sits on a shelf in the bathroom.
My previous glasses are hidden somewhere in my closet since they're ugly. It's good to have them around just in case though - my current glasses had to be repaired quite recently, but I still had those older glasses I could wear.

Same, the only reason I have the new pair now was because one day at work the frame broke completely. It was already a small break, so it was fixed with Gorilla Glue. But I think sweet must have made it weak, cause while I was cleaning the lense, the frame completely broke.

One of my spare glasses are in a box on my book shelf. They are my favourite pair of glasses but the design doesn't suit my current hairstyle LOL. The other is usually on my bedside table. The glasses I wear most of the time is always on my face until the moment I go to sleep, when I put it on my bedside table. So sometimes when I wake up the next morning, I'll grab my spare by accident and just end up wearing that one instead haha.

I used to keep my current ones on my nightstand next to my bed, but with the new ones I decided to keep them in the case and in the drawer when I go to sleep or if I'm not using them. I bought these ones with my money and I want to keep them for a long time, glasses are expensive.

Right now 2 pairs of my old ones are sitting on my ledge above my bed, literally collecting dust. Sounds like I should keep my old ones in a box, that way they aren't out.
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on the floor
what! xD

All my glasses are spare classes. I lose it like a few more times a day. Then grab another "spare" glasses. And I'll lose it. Then I grab other "spare" glasses. My buddy says "you! saying where are my glasses? way too often! same to you're losing your eye balls! goddammit!"
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My sight is very bad so my lens ends up being expensive so I can't afford spares. My "spares" are my previous set. Or sunglasses.
I have so many spare pairs of glasses, all prior prescriptions but I can still see well enough to use them in a pinch. Most are in my nightstand drawer, some in a case and some loose. But I do keep my most recent pair in a case on the table because I use them regularly for things like yardwork where I'm afraid of potentially damaging my current pair of glasses.
i recently got contacts so i barely use my glasses and hence they just chill in their case on my bookshelf
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My sight is very bad so my lens ends up being expensive so I can't afford spares. My "spares" are my previous set. Or sunglasses.

Yup, you and me both. My spares are old prescriptions, most are too old to use as a regular pair. My vision is so bad, if I were reading something a foot away from my face, the words start getting blurry.
I only have one pair and they are usually on like all the time unless I sleep so yeahhh lol
I only have the one pair since I'm new to glasses. But of I get new glasses I'll likely donate them. I know that there was a charity that took them but I forgot which one, they used to have kids asking for them on Halloween.
I only got one pair as well. I really need to get another pair just in case anything happens lol I've been lucky