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Where you ever forced to like/hate somthing?

Where you?

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Mar 26, 2019
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Hello everyone!
Did you ever like somthing but you had to hate it?
I had to hate all super mario games to stop a bratty kid from bulling me, they did not stop but they were not bulling me as bad as when I liked all mario games.

(Titles are not spelling errors, my device would not let me spell it right)
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I'm sorry that they were being that way :(

Don't let others tell you what to like/dislike. Ignore them, because you are stronger. Also, tell an adult/someone you can trust before it escalates and gets worse!
I was in a somewhat similar situation when I was younger. I was picked on for liking certain cartoons, books and comics since they were deemed too "childish". I didn't start hating them though, I just decided to hide it more from others.

It's a pretty pathetic reason to start picking on someone though, it's none of their business of what you like. If it makes you happy, so be it.
Sort of, I wasn't exactly "forced" to but I'm a guy and I sometimes feel pressured to pretend that I don't like some things that are seen as cute or feminine. I'm trying to work on not worrying what other people think, but it can be hard.
No, I like whatever I like, and I don't care what other people think of it. If other people don't like that, well that's their problem. If someone makes it clear they don't like something I'm into, then I simply won't talk about it with them, since that wouldn't be a productive conversation. If they go out of their way to disparage what I like anyway, then they're clearly not worth my time.
Bullying is a serious issue and if you are being bullied, made to feel uncomfortable, or forced to do and say things you don't want to, then you should speak to someone about it. A parent, teacher, or some other trusted adult should be able to help you.
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I was forced to not like Nintendo in a way, and I kept my love for Pokemon and Animal Crossing secret.

But now I'm friends with like-minded people and I'm free to say whatever I want, and most of the people who judge me play F**tnite, soo.
Same. My brothers told me Nintendo was unacceptable in school and people would beat me up if they saw me liking Pok?mon. I did get bullied for drawing Nintendo and cartoons. I didn’t stop liking though I just... pretended I didn’t. Funny thing is everyone LOVED it in high school all of a sudden like wow really? Okay then???
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In middle school everyone I knew was into Xbox and Call of Duty, and they were very territorial about it too. If you even mentioned anything about Nintendo, Pokemon, or anything else besides Call of Duty, they would question you and start bullying you in packs. I never talked about liking Pokemon at the time, but that’s around the time I did start liking it. Since then the only thing my family knows about me is that I like video games. They don’t play video games and don’t know that I’m also into watching anime either. I already share other interests with them IRL like sports and stuff, so it’s never really an issue.

It’s honestly better this way anyway, especially as an adult. I don’t talk about those things now to anyone and I don’t have to unless they ask. Whatever I do with my time and whatever decisions I make in life are mine to make.
Sounds like some of you had to deal w/ real tools! Sorry to hear that.:(
Mostly been forced by my parents to take classes on some hobbies. I hated it but now I can say I won 5 chess competitions lmao
I was forced to not like Nintendo in a way, and I kept my love for Pokemon and Animal Crossing secret.

But now I'm friends with like-minded people and I'm free to say whatever I want, and most of the people who judge me play F**tnite, soo.

That brat plays fortnight too (spelled incorrectly becouse it deserved it!)
When I was a young girl (about 40 years ago) I was forced by my mom to like Barbies. It was just expected back then that all girls loved & played with Barbies so my mom - wanting me to fit in and be "normal" - bought me Barbies. She made me play with them with my friends even though my friends secretly knew I hated Barbie. I liked (& still like) stuffed animals. In acts of retaliation I did terrible things to my Barbies. I cut their hair short - like Ken short. After I did that twice my mom told me if I cut the hair on the next Barbie she had given me that she'd stop buying me stuffed animals. I didn't cut that one's hair but I took a black permanent marker and colored all the hair black. It took me hours to do it thoroughly but I was determined. Then I hid it to let it dry overnight. By the time my mother saw the Barbie the black marker had soaked into the fake hair and no matter what my mother tried it wouldn't wash out. (I actually sort of liked that Barbie but I didn't let my mom know.) I also played "fashion designer" and dressed them in outfits made from paper towels. The Barbies looked ridiculous. My final act of retaliation and the one that finally got through to my mom involved a barbecue grill. My family loved having barbecues in the Summer and we had a charcoal grill. After my dad was done cooking he would leave the lid off the grill & the coals in the grill to let them cool down before he emptied them out. My mom had bought me another blond Barbie after the "dye job" I had done on the other one. My parents had taught me all about not touching the grill because it was so HOT. One night as my dad carried in our dinner I stood a couple of feet away and tossed blond Barbie onto the grill grate. I then happily went inside to eat dinner. When my dad went out to clean the grill he found the Barbie had melted through the grate & into the coals. All that was left was the metal "skeleton" from the inside and globs of plastic. My dad came in and asked how Barbie had gotten on the grill & my response was "I wanted to have a Barbie Q." My dad managed to keep a straight face as he explained to my mom that he'd need to pick up another charcoal grill as the current one was now ruined. He asked my mom if she wanted him to pick me up another Barbie and she said that she didn't. She said she'd rather me not have the Barbies then see what other horrors I could come up with to do to them. I've never owned or touched a Barbie since then. In the end my mom actually became more open minded and less focused on gender specific toys. She let me play with what I wanted and I did actually play with some "girly" toys but it was because they weren't forced on me. I picked them because I wanted to play with them and that made all the difference to me.

(Yikes! Sorry this is so long!)
Not really. I just like what I like and I'm pretty open about it.

People will mock things I like but it doesn't stop me enjoying them, plus I either don't care about their opinion in the first place or they're close friends that I know don't actually care whether I like a thing or not.

most of the people who judge me play F**tnite, soo.

...Bit hypocritical but okay.
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I won't necessarily say I was "forced", but I had a friend want me to get into wrestling really badly-I'm sorry, but that's something I don't think I can ever get into. You guys do realize that a lot of wrestling matches are faked, right?
My mom tried to force me to play violin, and I haven't told my friends I like vocaloid because they'd laugh. Also, one of them kinda forced me into liking "emo" music.
I like cooking recipe videos and they're trying really hard to get me to like my least favorite foods (cilantro, onions, raw tomatoes) but it's not working
No, I can't say that I was ever forced to like or hate something. I've always been free to choose what I like and what I dislike. Though I'm not sure if this counts, but I used to hate the taste and texture of vegetables when I was a little girl and my parents really wanted me to eat them. I think after awhile they decided not force me, but now days I can actually eat them.