How good are you at going to bed early?

Do you go to bed early regularly?

  • I always go to bed early.

    Votes: 11 13.6%
  • No, I stay up, but at least I don't stay up TOO late.

    Votes: 35 43.2%
  • I'm a Night Owl, but at least I do go to bed around 4/5

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • I pull all-nighters to a point I see the sun rise, but I don't do it as often.

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • Sleep? What's Sleep? How am I still alive???

    Votes: 15 18.5%

  • Total voters
I think the latest I usually stay up is like 3am range, and that's not often. I'm trying to follow a better schedule and wake up at 10-11am. And I'll wake up early morning, like 5-6am range for work when needed.
I'm pretty good at finding myself physically go to bed somehow early, but actually falling asleep is the terrible part. I am a hardcore night owl though lol
On weekdays, I've usually no problem getting to bed within 30 minutes of my bed time. On the weekend if when I run into problems. I'll usually wake up a couple hours later than usual, so then I sometimes end up going to bed later that amount of time.
I'm usually pretty good about getting to bed at a reasonable time for me—generally that's between 10:30pm and 11:30pm—but I will stay up a couple hours later for things like site events or gaming sessions, even if I don't necessarily mean to stay up lol. I'm especially prone to it if I've had a busy day and really want that extra time for myself ahaha ;v;
I have a bedtime for myself, but something always happens and I end up missing it by like half an hour 😭 I’m terrible at time keeping it
My wakefulness peaks a lot later in the day than it should so I am often not ready to go to sleep right at bedtime. I’ve definitely gotten better though and try to go to bed around 10-11pm.
I honestly sleep a lot earlier now. Sometimes I'll be up from 12-1. But at 11pm my body is like... bedtime ! And sometimes I knock out way earlier than that lmfao.
i always go to bed at a reasonable time if i am working the next day but often struggle to fall asleep. when i have a day off i will usually go to bed later as i find that if i stay up longer and go to bed when i’m more tired then i fall asleep easier.
I almost never get to bed early and maybe like, 60% of the time stay up past when I should be sleeping. If I'm lucky I'm only around an hour late. I'm on a different schedule at work and it's been hard to adjust >.>'
I try. I really do. I usually stop playing games and videos and all by 10pm. My full intentions are to be asleep by 11pm.
It. Never. Happens.

I play the dumb game of:
If i go to sleep by 12, i could still get 6 hours

Later -
ok so it's 1230, if i go to sleep by 1am, i can still get 5 hours. 🙄

But there seems to be a point in the night when I'm past the ability to fall asleep. Like if i stay up to 2am, i might as well just give up, because my brain decides 'fine, you don't want to sleep, we just won't sleep'.

A smarter me would try to actually sleep at 11, instead of reading, scrolling, music, but every night the not-so-smart me is saying 'just one more chapter'.
I'm not very good- lately I've been only getting like 4-6 hours a night 😭 I managed to get into an okay habit and was getting like 7 hours a night for a good while but I've slipped again with irl getting more busy lately, so atm I'm normally sleeping at like 1-2:30am??
I don't go to bed early, but it's not like I try to either, I prefer night time as it's not too bright and I don't have to interact with as many people.
Pretty terrible to be honest. I went to be way later than 11PM and I had to be up for work at 3AM. So I got about 3 hours of sleep if that. I've been so bad at it lately. I need to fix it before it probably starts affecting my health.
Awful! I am always awake past bedtimes I set for myself, despite my best interest.
I'm bad at sleeping early unless I am like really tired or sick LOL
I try to sleep around 12-1am since I don't want to be dead for work, otherwise on weekends I might stay up a bit later, but I'm trying to keep it around those times as an at least decent habit
I'm bad at it 😔 I go to sleep earlier before workdays than I do on weekends, but still not as early as I should most nights. I want like... three hours of just laying in bed and chilling out before I go to sleep after work and often I will stay up later than I should to make that happen
No, but I want to change that in the near future since I'm falling behind on sleep. Doesn't really help with the fact that I'm between the area of being too tired to do anything, but not tired enough to fall asleep. It's even more fun when I have to wake up early for work...
I cannot sleep at night without any sedatives that helps me. 10th grade I made the mistake of discontinuing and spent years pulling all-nighters. I kept trying to convince my doctor to put me on something but he just told me to take benadryl (like wtf) and it didn't help and neither did tylenole pm. Luckily he finally put me on an antidepressant and anxiety medication that also puts me to sleep.

Luckily it's gotten better but I still have trouble falling asleep early or rather, on time. For whatever reason I just have trouble falling asleep before midnight and end up falling asleep 12am-2:30am. Even when I take my medication early.