
Senior Member
Dec 28, 2014
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
White Feather
wtf it disappeared was everyone too sexual or something
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I wasn't here the past few days, but I am assuming that it was a special board up just for Valentine's Day.
Yeah it was just for Valentine's day, and that's the same reason you can't buy roses, I believe the roses will be displayed for the following week before they disappear as well.
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Yeah it was just for Valentine's day, and that's the same reason you can't buy roses, I believe the roses will be displayed for the following week before they disappear as well.

Oh god yes I had so much fun there <3<3 Best threads 2k16.

Yeah it's a shame those things aren't perma ones but yeah another year ^^
it's no longer valentine's in any timezone so it's removed. you can no longer purchase roses, but any you have received will be displayed until the 21st of this month.
I thought it would be around for awhile longer as well, since the roses are here until the 21st I guess I just assumed.

Oh well, it was great whilst it lasted. Here's to next year ;)
Sad to see it gone. It was a lot of fun while it lasted; thank goodness all of those cringe-worthy threads and posts are gone though!
Oh gdi I still had like 20 to gift

You're one step ahead of me I forgot to even buy any, sans one that I sent first thing yesterday morning. Had a few people I wanted to send some to. Oh well. Next year!
Well damn, I thought the roses were a permanent collectible. My fault for not reading closely I guess. I wouldn't have bought one if I had known.

Waste of bells.....>.<