AnimalCrossingGurrl said:
@ Bacon Boy + Gnome: I understand that not everyone gets along and people have their differences, what I'm saying is people on here are so critical, "oh you forgot a period here and there", "you spelled this and that wrong!" and stop hating on the new members, they're not all snot nosed 10 year olds.. (no offence to the yougins on this forum)
First, to your comment:
Whether you believe it or not, grammar matters. When you type like an idiot on the internet (i.e. "u"), it can become a habit and you might do it on a major term paper. Also, people watch you, whether you believe it or not, and the way you type is your language on the internet. If you type incoherently, or in bad grammar, it reflects you either as a) lazy for not proofreading or spell checking or b) it shows that you don't have the smarts to type correctly.
Ronaldo: I know. And you're right. I'm not saying they have the right to be that way, but you can't expect them to change just because you or someone else complains and whines. I've dealt with people like this all my life, and they usually like the way they are and don't see a problem with it. But in rare cases, they see what they're doing is wrong and change. And people should be nicer, yes. 1) This is the wrong way to go about it; complaining and whining. 2) Sometimes, the people that get trashed bring it upon themselves.