Senior Member
Including you, right?MrMr said:Whoever ate it has a bad digestive system. *Badjoke*
Well, everyone here is immature, and have no life. (No Gnomey names metioned.)
Speak for yourself.
Including you, right?MrMr said:Whoever ate it has a bad digestive system. *Badjoke*
Well, everyone here is immature, and have no life. (No Gnomey names metioned.)
I'm not saying they should ban them or even warn them. But what you're saying is that since it's not our job as members to help other members learn better grammar and better spelling, then it's apparently the staff's.Ziken said:yeah, and you go ahead and hope they ban or lecture people for being "illiterate," or actually, what YOU consider to be illiterate.Bacon Boy said:Well, it was said that it's not our job to correct cause we're not moderators. So if only moderators can correct, we should report it then. Right?Ziken said:you guys don't need to freak yourselves out just because others have their own opinion on how to type.Bacon Boy said:Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
go ahead, report me for not capitalizing or others for expressing what they're trying to say in a way that isn't appealing to you. yay for you.
ac gurl try eac or xac not quite as active but less ________ ___________ _________ there.AnimalCrossingGurrl said:Oh trust me I have been "sucking it up" and I've had enough of some of you guys.Gnome said:This is old news. Really you should just learn to suck it up. Because life isn't always rainbows and butterflies.AnimalCrossingGurrl said:You're an ass.Gnome said:Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
it's compromise.
So don't tell me to "suck it up".
I never said you couldnt be yourself, I said IF people on The Bell Tree start correcting you,jewseph said:Or kk you can be yourself and do what you feel like doing. It's called freedom of speech.
Or there is option c in there somewhere. I am sure you will figure it out.K.K.Slider said:I never said you couldnt be yourself, I said IF people on The Bell Tree start correcting you,jewseph said:Or kk you can be yourself and do what you feel like doing. It's called freedom of speech.
you a)Just have to deal with it. Or b)Correct yourself and use proper grammar.