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Whether To Get The ACNL 3DS Or Not...


miss juicy baby!
Jun 16, 2012
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Ok, I've been wanting this 3DS XL for sosososo long now. But there are just some things I'm concerned about thats making me not want it anymore...
1. Apparently 3DS XLs are much worse than 3DS' all together, like breaking wise, fragile wise... blah blah blah you get the point.
2. Secondly, and this is the big reason. Ok, so my cousin is what you will call... well... a douchebag. He is mean, violent, horrible and ignorant. But I still love him. The thing is, if I really do get this 3ds, I'm scared he will call me names he has called me in the past for having a pink camera. Stuff like 'gay' 'homofag' '*****' and all of them other insults, that aren't really insults. (Gay for example; idiot kids these days use the term 'gay' as an insult, but we are not talking about stupid swagfags here xD) Anyway I'm loosing the point here. I'm saying, if I get the 3ds XL, I'm worried if when he finds out, he'll start calling me them names all over again, I hated it so much I actually did things I so deeply regret. Last time I got a pink camera, he told the whole school, which may or may not be the reason I get bullied but I'm not bothered about that anyway... its just I think I finally got round to him, he hasn't called me names for about 1 year now. And I actually am starting to think he likes me, will getting this 'girly' style 3DS make him find a weakness to me again??
If you answer something like 'don't get it because its too girly' then thats not the point i was trying to clear out. I absolutely love the design, but im 100% certain my cousin doesn't.
3. LASTLY, I HAVE REALLY SMALL HANDS xD And I don't know if my hands will fit round it :/
Ok, I've been wanting this 3DS XL for sosososo long now. But there are just some things I'm concerned about thats making me not want it anymore...
1. Apparently 3DS XLs are much worse than 3DS' all together, like breaking wise, fragile wise... blah blah blah you get the point.
2. Secondly, and this is the big reason. Ok, so my cousin is what you will call... well... a douchebag. He is mean, violent, horrible and ignorant. But I still love him. The thing is, if I really do get this 3ds, I'm scared he will call me names he has called me in the past for having a pink camera. Stuff like 'gay' 'homofag' '*****' and all of them other insults, that aren't really insults. (Gay for example; idiot kids these days use the term 'gay' as an insult, but we are not talking about stupid swagfags here xD) Anyway I'm loosing the point here. I'm saying, if I get the 3ds XL, I'm worried if when he finds out, he'll start calling me them names all over again, I hated it so much I actually did things I so deeply regret. Last time I got a pink camera, he told the whole school, which may or may not be the reason I get bullied but I'm not bothered about that anyway... its just I think I finally got round to him, he hasn't called me names for about 1 year now. And I actually am starting to think he likes me, will getting this 'girly' style 3DS make him find a weakness to me again??
If you answer something like 'don't get it because its too girly' then thats not the point i was trying to clear out. I absolutely love the design, but im 100% certain my cousin doesn't.
3. LASTLY, I HAVE REALLY SMALL HANDS xD And I don't know if my hands will fit round it :/
1. I've only had my XL for a couple of weeks and it seems sturdy. I'll leave this for those who've had an XL for a lot longer.
2. You can always buy a skin or a hard case to go over the XL to hide the outside of it when he's around. To hide the ACNL patterns temporarily, go with a hard, protective case instead of a skin.
3. My hands are small too; your hands will fit around it. :)

1. Thats not true at all.

2. This is rather unfortunate and I feel sorry for you having to put up with that... Your cousin isn't using it and you shouldn't have to miss out on something you love just because one person makes you feel unnecessarily bad about it. Ideally you should do something about him calling you horrible names in general but that isn't always a realistic thing to do I understand. Perhaps just don't let him know you have it or don't use it around him and whatnot.

3. This shouldn't be a problem.
Regarding your first point - I've had my 3DS XL for about 10 months now. Dropped it twice, and it's survived. It seems very sturdy - I don't even have a case for it (although I just ordered one for travelling). One thing that motivated me to get the XL was hearing how much better it was than the 3DS. Plus, you can play AC on a bigger screen :D
1. Hm no I don't think the XL is anymore breakable then the normal one.

2. It looks like a pop tart and im pretty sure pop tarts are manly. ;p

3. I have such small hands so im sure yours are bigger then mine and you'll be fine!
1. I have both a 3ds and a 3ds XL. Overall, I'd say the XL is better. In my opinion it is sturdier(button wise), there are less defects (3ds top screen would scratch with bottom sceen), longer battery life, the bigger image is much better, and it sits more comfortably in my hands(I have small hands too). Now I only use my XL and lend out my 3ds to friends and family to play with.
2. It's not girly. I have a male friend who is purchasing it. Honestly, it doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it works and it brings you join. Also, as Mint said, you can purchase a cover case for it. Don't let your cousin dictate your life and decisions.
3. (See 1) 3ds XL is more comfortable than 3ds, no matter the hand size. In my opinion.
Get what you like Zachary ^____^ if anything, you can get a clear case on amazon with a screen protector for only 4 dollars and slip a picture in there
1. I haven't heard about that. I've only had my XL for about 3 months but I haven't had any problems with it. (Of course, I'm very careful with my games anyways.) Actually, I've noticed that the hinges seem a lot sturdier on the XL compared to the regular 3DS or older DSes.

2. You shouldn't avoid getting something that you like just because someone else doesn't like it... but I do understand your situation. If you're worried about your cousin I would get a hard snap-on case to use when he's around. I've seen some nice aluminum cases on eBay for about $5. (Also the case could make your 3DS more durable too, if you're still worried about it being flimsy. :9)

3. My hands are small too, and I think the XL fits in my hands a lot better than a regular 3DS. n___n
1. I've only had my 3DS XL for two months or so now, but I haven't heard that before. It seems just as sturdy as a normal 3DS to me. Actually, I feel better putting it in a bag without a case.

2. I'm really sorry to hear you had to go through that. If you really like the Animal Crossing 3DS XL, I don't think you should let one person hold you back. If he bothers you, why don't you try telling him that it genuinely upsets you and you would appreciate it if he would stop? You could always have a conversation with him before he says anything too.

3. I'm a girl with small hands, and I find it much more comfortable to hold than my original 3DS (which I sold after getting the XL). My hands used to cramp up on the original -- especially when playing Mario Kart -- but now I can play for really extended periods of time in comfort.
1. I think the XL is sturdier than the regular 3ds, I was very glad I upgraded, also the XL doesnt have the irritating screen scratching issue that the regular 3ds does...

2. You should buy it if you want it, at the end of the day the case of a 3ds is personal choice or style, I would buy it if I didnt already have an XL... and like others said you could buy a case for when he is there or tell him that it was a lot cheaper than a regular one.. id say just ignore him although I do understand that you might not be comfortable doing that..

3. It shouldn't be a problem, I have a 6 year old niece with an XL and she manages just fine :)
1. That's not true..?

2. It is girly. It practically screams gay. But it doesn't matter. If you like it, get it. Tell your cousin to suck his own youknowwhat and to get over it.

Edit: oops, missed one. 3. I have pretty small hands, and my friends fits just fine in my hands, so it's okay.
1. As long as you're careful, I think you'll be fine. :)
2. I'm sorry that you're being bullied that way! Yes, you could get a skin to protect the outside, like what Mint mentioned. ;)
3. I don't have an XL, but if other people seem to think your hands fit, go ahead and buy it! :)
Ignore your cousin. Don't let his ignorance keep you from something you really want.
1.False, the xl is sturdier then the regular 3DS. I've had mine ever since the XL came out, dropped it a few times and it still works perfectly, it also cannot get scratches as easily
2.Get it if you want it, ignore what he says if you can.
3.I also have small hands but it works just fine with me, the only problems I have is my thumb slipping off the stick but thats not a big problem.
1. I'm pretty sure that it's the opposite

2. You should ignore people like this. I found out years ago that people who stoop as low as name calling are not friends. Why would you ever want to be around someone that judges you? Personally, I wouldn't care because honestly it's just a color. Maybe he came to his senses or something, you really shouldn't be stressing out over this. If you care that much then you should avoid him or just simply not give a f#%$?

3. I have small little hands too, you'll be fine. It would be worse if you had gargantuan hands :rolleyes:
Had my XL for about 5 months. Has been dropped, nothing bad has happened. None of the buttons have gone out, nothing wrong with either screen. Everything about it is good.

In all honesty, it's just your personal preference. Even if it's the super ugly ACNL one (lol, just my opinion).
1. Its pretty sturdy, I traded my original 3Ds for an XL and never looked back :). If you have the money a say get the 3Ds XL, Animal Crossing New Leaf will look amazing on a the bigger screen.

2. Get what you like or love, it shouldn't matter what your cousin thinks of it because you are the one who's going to play with it.

3. Am a young lady, so don't worry it will fit in your hands and in my opinion the 3Ds XL is more comfortable.
1. Mine is pretty sturdy. I don't really like the way the top screen is loose, but it's not a huge deal. I put a screen protector on the bottom no matter how bad it looks to help with any scratching after my DS Lite basically gave out from scratches. I love my Pikachu XL. :D I have like one small scratch on top from my dogs making it bounce on the sofa but that's it.
2. Ignore your cousin.
3. I have small hands, and the 3DS XL is really more comfortable for me. Except when I'm playing MK7 and the volume randomly goes up or down >.<
Only reason I'm not getting the ACXL is because I don't like the design and the Pikachu XL was a gift, plus I prefer physical copies of a game. Your choice :)
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1. The 3DS XL is rather sturdy.

2. Don't bother letting people hurt your feelings. It is just a waste of time and energy on your part to be upset over it.

3. The 3DS XL feels much better in the hands then the 3DS, big hands or not. The handheld is curved and can be held comfortably for the most part unlike the 3DS with its sharp edges that dig into your palm and really small shoulder buttons.