Which collectible do you like better?

Ditto Egg

Emolga Egg or Emolga Egg? (Sobs because Emolga failed to make it in Sword And Shield)

Eevee Egg or White Pansy?
I traded my heart wand for a love ball :p

glam feather or pink feather
Rainbow Feather. It makes me think of a scarlet macaw.

Cherry or Red Turnip?

umm pink house i guess but fun fact cyan house was my first collectible ever (won from a giveaway and i still have it :cool:)

peach vs blue rose
ive never been a fan of the flower collectibles tbh

yoshi egg or waluigi egg
hhhhh I love both ;-; But I think I'll have to go with the ditto egg since it's so cute

wix candy or dark candy?
Wix candy! The black is stronger and crisper. The dark candy is awesome as well though.

Leif collectable or zipper sakura?