i visit every npc still. probably the only ones i don't talk to every time are kk, because i'm not always playing when his show starts, and leif, because i only need him when the seasons change and i need to replace my shrubs.
labelle and gulliver/arrr are my favorites, but i know a lot of people don't bother with them any more, which is understandable.
I think I still have to do KK Shows for the final achievement.
Leif I only talk to when it's a new bush season and I don't have many of that type of bush
Label just gave me the last outfit I need from her line to complete her catalog so I'll be done talking to her today.
I still talk to Kicks because I need to finish his catalog still and I really love his character model.
I still have a long way to go to get all the bug and fish models, so I'll be talking to Flick and CJ for a while now
i always see gulliver/arr, kicks, redd and k.k slider because they might have something i need
plus redd, kicks and k.k. are some of my favourite characters ♡
i've completed all label's fashion things so i don't bother with her anymore
tbh i was hoping when u finished her fashion checks, she would have a little shop where u can buy all her clothes
and i only talk to the camel and leif when i need rugs and plants which isn't very often
I have all the gullivaar items so I don't have to bother with him anymore(or Pascal thankfully). I have had 1 of every gulliver item(not all variations) but I still talk to him cause I haven't gotten the gold shovel diy yet. Not sure why I bother with Label but it doesn't take long(I guess if i ever manage to get all her stuff I'll be done with her). Saharah yes I still talk to her. Leif I rarely talk to but I did just get some holly bushes from him last visit. Kicks I talk to. Redd definitely cause I am nowhere near done with the art in the museum. I only need 1 more KK song but I'll still talk to him until I get the nook miles achievements(seriously why is he there all day yet we can't request a song til 6? dumb). I rarely see wisp cause I rarely play that time of night.
I never talk to Daisy Mae, I usually avoid her because I really don’t enjoy her design I’m not one for selling turnips anyways, though! I never talk to K.K Slider either, I just never got into his little concerts I guess?
I’ll talk with Leif when I need something from him but otherwise I ignore most of his visits.
Labelle, Gulivar, and Gulivarrr, Saharah, and Wisp I’ll talk to depending on how I’m feeling. It’s a tie between Gulivar & Wisp for who I talk to the least out of that little group.
Celeste, Kicks, Flick, and CJ I talk to every time they visit!
Leif unfortunately. I just don't really need anything from him sadly.
Same goes for Isabelle (don't really generally need her services), CJ, or Flick. I only talk to Daisy Mae if I have a good turnip price in one town and I'll TT to her on the other....which has maybe been 3 times (most sundays I don't even log on before noon).
Redd: My art section of the museum is complete but I always get excited when he's around and still buy statues.
Celeste: I have all her recipes but she still gives me star frags whenI talk to her.
Saharah: She talks too much lmao, but I'm still interested in what she has and she gave me the cafe curtain wall today which I've been trying to get on Nookazon ☺
Gulivar/Gulivarr: I don't always talk to them, only when I feel like it.
Flick: For bug statues.
Kicks: I'm always curious as to what he has.
I do talk to other NPCS like Leif but only seasonally.
The one I always ignore is Labelle.
I don't even remember the last time I talked to her.
I rarely engage with Wisp, too. His prizes are lame.
KK! He made me hate Saturdays! I loved him in previous game but I hate having him all over the plaza, making it so hard to navigate and for the WHOLE day! Why can’t he come after 6pm and that’s it? It’s not like he is going to sing to you before 6pm anyway! Useless
Even that I don't need anything from Leif anymore, I still talk to him when he comes. Daisy Mae is the npc that I talk the most, as she's only available for a very short window of time and only on Sundays. I also sold a lot of turnips and while I'm still far from getting the achievement for selling a huge amount of os turnips, I don't think I'll ever engage with the market again. It takes too much time and preparation, and I have no space to store the turnips.
Redd is the only NPC I look forward to every time I load up my game.
I don't trade, so I'm relying exclusively on Redd to sell me what I need to complete the art section in my museum. (My cranky islanders help, once in a blue moon, by sending me an art item in the mail. My poor mail box. ) If RNG chooses not to be difficult, I should be able to complete the collection within the next decade. I think.
I also talk to Kicks enthusiastically because I like to see his tail swish.
I still talk to all of the NPCs for the most part. Even when I don’t need anything from them, I still like to stop by and say hi. CJ is definitely my least favorite cause I hate doing the seasport challenge. I look forward to seeing Redd and Celeste the most. Once I catalogue all of the kk songs I doubt I’ll need to talk to kk slider anymore after that. Same with Saharah, once I catalogue all available rugs, wallpaper, and carpet I think I’ll be done with her. I really dislike talking to her and the process of buying each available item she has for the day takes too long for my liking.
i don’t talk to many of them. i talk to celeste to get star fragments and i talk to label occasionally (just bc i think dressing up is fun, not to get her ugly branded clothes lol). i do check kicks’ stand whenever he comes into town
I rarely talk to Label and Leif now, but I’ll still check Kicks because I’m a sock hoarder. I don’t check Saharah’s anymore, but I’ll always do Gulliver/arr as I’m still missing a ton of items. I would talk to Celeste if she’d actually shown up in my town! Same with Redd lol.
I don't talk to Label, Leif, Daisy Mae, Wisp, C.J., Flick. I'm always excited to see Saharah, Gulivaar, Celeste, Kicks, and Redd. I wish Gulivaar washed up on my shore more though.
now that there aren’t many rare fish or insects available and i’m not looking to commission any models, i haven’t spoken to flick or c.j. in a while and likely won’t have to for another few months. i also don’t believe that i’ve spoken to leif since spring/summer, either, but i need bushes for landscaping and so i’ll probably be talking to him next time he shows up!
other than them, i still talk to everyone but am always most excited to see saharah, kicks, redd and celeste! :’^)
I always visit KK and wisp for the nook miles achievements, and I always visit gulliver/gulivarr/redd to get things from them, as well as celeste! I usually talk to kicks but I'm not overly excited when I see him, and I basically avoid cj, flick, and label at this point because I just don't need anything from them. oh and depending on if I'm landscaping or not I might talk to leif!
C.J. and Daisy Mae. I hated cj his character and his design and everything from the start. I dont even like his models.
Daisy mae is cute but here droopy nose is annoying.