• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Which of these instruments would you play?

Which of these instruments would you play?

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Mollycord’s Exile
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
If you could play one of these easy, well-known instruments, which one would you play, and why?

For me, it would be the violin because of my experience with orchestra. Even though I played the bass in orchestra class, the violin is the most fun to play, and I do like the sounds it makes when you play with the bow.
I'd go for either the violin or the drums. I played the violin back in elementary school and I think it'd be nice to go back and give it another shot, though I have pretty bad memories of how my fingers hurt pressing onto the strings. On the other hand, the drums don't have that problem. Plus, as someone who likes to play Taiko no Tatsujin every now and then, they seem like a cool instrument.

Since I had to pick one, I went for the violin because I'm more familiar with it in terms of skill.
At about 4 or 5 years old I asked many times to learn to play the violin. I liked the sound and I saw other little kids play instruments on PBS.
I played around with the guitar in my teens when I was finally able to get a hold of an instrument. We had a computer at the local library that had internet so I would look up tabs there.
I think today I would still choose the guitar and hopefully learn actual music notes and be more productive with playing on a guitar than I was and move beyond cords more.
(If my fingers can handle a guitar now..)
There is lots of nice sounds from a guitar and (I feel) you can get a lot of feelings and vibes from it. And I still listen to the guitar instrumental music.
I'd play drums!
Already played flute, guitar, trumpet.
Not interested in violin because i think id get a crick in my neck. Looks uncomfortable.
But drums would be fun!
I already play flute and I’m working on guitar. I’ve played flute for…too many years.
I play the piano. 🎹🎲 I'm all about feel on teh fingertips, hehehe.... All teh feelz all for yooouuu. 😉 BUT, I like all sorts of instruments. Even the ones you won't find in an orchestra, as wonderful as its sound would accompany it. 🎶 I would like to play all of those instruments listed on that poll, actually. My lips and fingers are greedy for sound! Allow me to explain to you how I'd play those intruments:

If you were Violin, 🎻
I'd hold and make you shriek. 😆
If you were a Guitar, 🎸
I'd strum you and you'd squeak. 🤭

If you were just a Flute, 🐦
my lips would make you squeal. 😂
The same goes if you're Trumpet, 🎺
they'd make you laugh and reel. 🤣

If you're a set of Drums, 🥁
I hope that you're a snare: 😏
My grip consists of thumbs 👍
that brush you EVERYWHERE. 😉
I already know how to play drums, so… I guess that.
I play the violin and ukulele. I've been playing the violin since I was in elementary school in my schools orchestra. I did that through middle school then dropped it then picked it back up again a year ago at 29 years old and have been taking lessons with a violin teacher.

Ukulele is something I started a couple years ago when my friend randomly bought me one as a gift when I mentioned it would be fun to try. So I've been messing around with those (I have 2 now, a tenor and a soprano) the past couple years. Not as far along with ukulele as I am with violin but I hope to get better at both! :)

I have a keyboard I mess around with some too
Of these choices I'd pick the violin because I love how it sounds and how elegant it looks playing it. But if I had the time and motivation I'd really like to learn piano! For similar reasons; they're my two favorite instruments!
Acoustic guitar. It’s my favorite instrument in music and I own a nice one that was a gift. I’ve just been too lazy to learn how to read sheet music.
Guitar probably.
I feel like the trumpet and flute would be difficult to get used to holding your breath, the violin looks painful to hold and drums are too loud 😂
I've played Flute before but I would still choose Flute. I love the versatility, sound, and so much techniques that can be used for (and is often called for) in music. This is a nice example. In my opinion, they normally get the fun, crazy stuff in orchestral music (compared to the other woodwinds).
I've played guitar since I was about 8! I started off with classical, did that all the way through school, and taught myself electric in the second half of high school. I sadly haven't played as much recently due to life being busy, but I really want to get back to practicing!
I have a panpipe so I would probably play the flute. I also like the sounds of the flute more than the other instruments listed. They are all great though so it was tough for me to choose only one.
I would love to play the guitar.

I already kind of play the flute. I learned at school and it was lovely when my son was in school and he wanted to learn so I could help.
I always wanted to play the piano or a guitar, but had the patience for neither of them.
I already play guitar, so I chose drums. The only reason I don't play drums is because over the years I either don't have the space, or live too close to others and it would be a noise disturbance. I would really love to play drums someday though!