which one is on top?

left thumb goes on top. arms and legs switch but generally right goes on top.
1. when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top?
left thumb!
2. when you cross your arms, which arm is on top?
left arm!
3. when you cross your legs, which leg is on top?
left leg!

not sure why it's all my left limbs but if I switch it over it feels kinda weird
when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top?
my left thumb

when you cross your arms, which arm is on top?
my right arm

when you cross your legs, which leg is on top?
Depends on how I'm crossing them.
1. when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top? my right thumb
2. when you cross your arms, which arm is on top? my left arm
3. when you cross your legs, which leg is on top? my right leg (most of the time)
  • when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top?
    • my right
  • when you cross your arms, which arm is on top?
    • my right
  • when you cross your legs, which leg is on top?
    • my right
(my sister was looking at me funny when i did these just to double check)
when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top? right

when you cross your arms, which arm is on top? left

when you cross your legs, which leg is on top? i think it’s pretty equal between my left and my right

this was interesting to see! i tried doing it the reverse way for some of these and it did actually feel weird LOL
  1. when you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top? right.
  2. when you cross your arms, which arm is on top? left.
  3. when you cross your legs, which leg is on top? right.
What an interesting thread!

1. When you clasp your hands, which thumb is on top?
My left thumb.

2. When you cross your arms, which arm is on top?
My right arm.

3. When you cross your legs, which leg is on top?
Both ways. I also like to sit with my left ankle on my right knee but the other way around isn’t as comfortable.