I'm more of a mix between lazy and normal. I love to relax and lazy villagers are so chill and friendly. I also enjoy reading and I have a shy personality like normal villagers.
cranky jock, which sounds terrible but I think confused old man who really enjoys running around and picking up rocks is the most fitting. I want to be a goat as well.
I have the kindness and introspectivenees of normal and their more quiet hobbies, buuut I am far too chaotic and silly, haha. I think uchi fits me quite well! I do have lazy's love of food, though...
i would say i'm a mix of a few personalities type. something like normal, peppy, and lazy. it really depends on the day i can even be a cranky type lolll the only type i'm definitely not is jock since i'm not very sporty nor do i enjoy moving in general.
I'm female, so if I were to pick from the four female personality types, Normal suits me well because I have a soft spot for reading and textile arts (specifically crocheting). I also find cooking nice, even though my attempts at making something turn out sub-par at best.
Without the gender restrictions, I'm a mix of Normal (of course), Lazy, and Cranky (NL onwards). Lazy because of my slacker attitude IRL and how fond I am of foodstuffs, and Cranky because I tend to feel grumpy and out-of-place in the world sometimes.
I think I fit the normal personality really well. I love a lot of the same hobbies they do (reading, crocheting, cooking are the main ones) and I think I generally act like they do. A lot of the dialogue are things I would say if I was a video game character.