Which RV Shop will you unlock first on Harv's Island?

Which RV Shop will you unlock first?

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Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
Apr 11, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Toy Hammer
I dunno, fun little question I thought to myself and decided to make it in a poll to see how the community is thinking on it. Feel free to explain your choice. Or not, doesn't matter. Oh, and to the time travelers -- just pretend that you aren't time traveling, and were making the same choice as a non-time traveler!

I didn't include Harriet in the poll because I'm unsure if she'll need to be unlocked, plus she doesn't seem to have an RV.

As for me, I'm planning on unlocking Leif first so I have access to the new crops as soon as possible, since he's likely to be the source of em'!
Most likely Katrina. I’m just eager to see her in the game again, and I like the idea of getting the daily horoscopes (especially if there’s an effect on gameplay).

I do understand your reasoning with Leif though! If I hadn’t basically decided to wait with farming until winter is over (I won’t be starting my game until late November at the earliest, and crops in the snow just ruins the immersion for me) I would maybe pick him too.
Reese & Cyrus. I'm pretty sure the new Nook Mile items will be color-locked again. And the only way to customize it is through Cyrus.

I've been wanting to customize all the other Nook Mile items I have too since I mostly only used the colors available on my island.
Well, if we aren't able to buy all the shops at once (thought we might be able to with all the Lloid's already set up, though that might be wishful thinking on my part, lol), then I'll likely go with Leif first. That'll allow me to get the new crops sooner (like the OP), but hopefully it's also set up so that once he gets his own RV shop, he's no longer a part of the visiting NPC rotation for my island.
I'm going to unlock them in this order:

1: Reese & Cyrus
2: Lief
3: Redd
4: Katrina
5: Tortimer
6: Kicks
7: Saharah

The reason I want to unlock Reese & Cyrus first is because I believe it's not just the Nook Mile items that can get customized.
And the reason I want to unlock Saharah last is because I never was fond of her goods she brings as I never cared about my house yet. (Thanks to HHP I may as well care finally)
katrina because i missed her and want to see what she's up to. then reese/cyrus, so i can make a start on filling in the color variants of my catalogue. then redd, just to try and make some headway on the art gallery. for the others, the order doesn't really matter since they're all effectively worthless to me.
I'm really hoping that we can unlock multiple at once, since there's a gyroid per spot? But if not, then this is roughly the order I'd go for -- albeit with time traveling so tbh I guess it wouldn't matter very much:

1. Reese & Cyrus -- I don't even have any particular furniture I want customized in mind, I just want the option, especially for the new Nook Miles stuff.
2. Leif -- also desperate for crops.
3. Katrina
4. Redd
5. Saharah
6. Kicks -- he's so cute but I literally never buy any of his things.
Reese and Cyrus, for the furniture stuff. I also want to unlock katrina after that, so i can see interesting horoscope stuff. Then, redd, so i can get paintings. After that, Leif for the crops. Then kicks because i love him and adore him the second i adore chief. Oh. then saharah.

I like to time travel, so its not a problem for me. But if i didnt time travel, this is still the option. 😹
1. Reese and Cyrus will be my first choice. No reason just so I have it available asap for when I find something I want customized.
2. I’m honestly considering Redd since I’m curious if there will be anything new from him. I probably should pick Leif since cooking is one of the things I’m most excited about :).
3. Tortimer - maybe. I’ll think about this more before deciding.
The reason I want to unlock Reese & Cyrus first is because I believe it's not just the Nook Mile items that can get customized.
This is correct. In the Direct you can see an icon on the items Reese and Cyrus can customize and it shows a Nooks Cranny item!
My first thought was Leif, but it was a totally emotional, non-logical thing. I didn’t even think of crops. He’s just so cute and his little camper looks adorable. (I am just excited about the crops though)

Probably Tortimer early on, cause he is new to me. Katrina seems fun too.
1. Reese & Cyrus - Cyrus is literally a god coming to us... truly a under rated aspect of the update and character in general. There are people that don't trade and catalogue stuff online and with strangers, so this is literally a saving grace for these people to open up so much more for them to decorate with. And then there is the Nook Miles Items... I love him for offering this service as I'd love to get some of the color variants. I'm guessing Reese is more the pick up station, so she is appreciated to. Power couple!

2. Redd - I am missing artwork for my Museum and for decorating my island. I haven't even seen the fakes of some statues. >.>

3. Leif - I've had him like the past 3 weeks since he was forced for the Pumpkin seeds, so I'm a bit burned out on him. He seems like he will be really useful though with the crops!

4. Kicks - He is adorable, I love him. I feel like he always offers the same stuff on my island... doesn't seem to bring me new colors of the stuff I do buy from him.

5. Katrina - She seems useless, but I do like her presence. She could climb the list if we discover she does interesting things.

6. Tortimer - Someone new to meet... I guess that's about all I got for him. He could climb like Katrina if it turns out he does something cool.

7. Saharah - The Queen of Dialogue can be last. I was thinking she is pretty meh cause I can only fit so many rugs inside my home... but actually might be good for me to start stockpiling her rugs since I can decorate villagers homes with them. She might go before Katrina and Tortimer if they are both useless.
Gosh, it's really hard to say! I'm excited for them all but I'm curious about Reese and Cyrus the most! I'd love to see what kinds of other furniture he'd have to offer for us and I'd also like to see the interactions between Reese and Cyrus as well!
This is correct. In the Direct you can see an icon on the items Reese and Cyrus can customize and it shows a Nooks Cranny item!
I already know that. But the question is, are we allowed to?
I already know that. But the question is, are we allowed to?

Cyrus can customize 'ready-made' furniture, so basically any item that isn't a DIY can be customized by Cyrus in most cases since I'm sure there are some items that'll not be customizable at all.
Kicks, I wanna go shoe and bag shopping as soon as possible. I love the bags in this game and Kicks has good shoe options too. Definitely Reese and Cyrus after that.