Which RV Shop will you unlock first on Harv's Island?

Which RV Shop will you unlock first?

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I hated that some items couldn’t be customized and had to be bought or traded from someone else. Now I can get all the variations of the special items!
In my heart, I want to say Katrina. However, if I'm honest with myself, it would make the most sense to prioritize Reese & Cyrus so as to be able to customize more items.
1. Leif (To get the new crops)
2. Reese & Cyrus (To customize items)
3. Kicks (To buy clothing and accessories)
4. Redd (To buy Artwork and possibly furnature?, wondering if he will do some sort of raffle cause of the box that he is standing by)
5. Saharah (To buy Wallpapers and Floors)
6. Katrina (Not sure what is going to be added with her other than fortunes?)
7. Tortimer (Not sure other than storage purpose, if he has another purpose as well?)
Redd. Just let me get more art already.

Then depending on selection, Leif might be second.
I’m hoping they can all be unlocked within one day since all the gyroids look to be there from day one, but in case they’re not I’ll probably go with Leif first so I can start planting the crops and therefore start cooking sooner! Next I’d probably do reese and cyrus, then katrina, then redd, then kicks, then saharah, then tortimer.
i’ll be unlocking reese and cyrus first — i’m so excited that i’ll be able to customize nook mile items into the variants i want instead of having to trade for them! 🥳
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Oh, it's going to be hard to choose between Leif or Reese & Cyrus. The alpacas solve an old issue of the game (being able to acquire different color ways of color-locked items), but Leif brings some much needed new content so may were counting the days to see in the game.
Reese and Cyrus, not even close for me. I love you all and I love the forum, but having to find people to trade with every time I needed one brown streetlamp was a hassle. Also, I will be able to catalog every remaining variant of the furniture sets such as rattan! Can't wait to unlock their RV.
Reese and Cyrus! Really excited about finally being able to customise NMT variants! And then afterwards I think I'll unlock Katrina, I'm curious to see if her fortunes will have any real in-game effects.
I hated that some items couldn’t be customized and had to be bought or traded from someone else. Now I can get all the variations of the special items!
I always saw that as a way for them to force us players to get the NSO subscription. Without it, we couldn't get the other colors/variations, so most of us would get it just to be able to trade for those. Now that the game has sold a ton of copies and subscriptions, they're offering us the opportunity to have access to any color we want, if we buy the dlc.

Oh Nintendo, you won't ever stop being the greediest company on the market, will ya?
Now that the game has sold a ton of copies and subscriptions, they're offering us the opportunity to have access to any color we want, if we buy the dlc.

Oh Nintendo, you won't ever stop being the greediest company on the market, will ya?
Its part of the free update, not the paid DLC
You dont have to pay a penny for this
katrina because i missed her and want to see what she's up to. then reese/cyrus, so i can make a start on filling in the color variants of my catalogue. then redd, just to try and make some headway on the art gallery. for the others, the order doesn't really matter since they're all effectively worthless to me.
Exactly this lol. Although I still need a few of saharas stuff, but I see her often enough anyway.
As much as I want to go and see Katrina immediately, the art section of my museum is looking a little barren, so I'm going to need some help from my favourite cousin. 😊🦊

Aah, reading all of these answers is swaying me into confusion. I don't know who to pick anymore!🏝
I wonder if we can unlock all the shops at once or have to wait.

First I would unlock Leif: so excited to see and start growing the new crops

Reese and Cyrus: I have wanted to be able to customize nook shop items and nook mile items forever.

Tortimer: having access to storage will make customizing furniture easier in case I forget something.

Kicks: I love the bags and shoes. Would to see if he has anything new

Redd: since I still need paintings and statues for my second island

Katrina: glad she is back in the game. Can’t wait to get my fortune.

Sahara: I think I have seen most of her rugs. I hope the update they let us place the small and medium rugs outside.
Reese and Cyrus. I miss them a lot. No, I don't count the wedding event. I miss their role in customising my furniture like in NL. I have a lot of Nook Mile reward furniture that I want customised so I'll be unlocking them for old time's sake. The next one after them would be Tortimer because I also miss him. I spent most of my NL tine on Tortimer Island anyway so it'll be good to catch up.
If I’m lucky enough to get Leif as an NPC on the day of the update I think I’ll unlock Cyrus or Katrina first. If I don’t then I’ll go ahead and unlock Leif for the crop seeds.
Reese and Cyrus 💕 Love those two and can't wait to customize furniture. It's a game changer. I'm also curious if Reese has another role not mentioned.

Katrina second, and Sahara probably third.

It's not to clear to me what Tortimer's role is. Some type of storage, but just as a link to our town?