Which RV Shop will you unlock first on Harv's Island?

Which RV Shop will you unlock first?

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It's a toss-up between Leif or Redd for me, but I think for practicality reasons it'll be Leif first. However, Redd'll be next, hands-down.

Leif is the obvious first choice because of the crops. He will very likely have a selection of them each day, and I'd rather not wait weeks for him to return for the next roulette of plants and I want to get my farm started ASAP!

Redd because it honestly feels like he never shows up to my island. I can probably count the art I have donated to the museum on one hand because when he does show up it's usually dupes. I'm very eager to see more of him not only because he's one of my favourite characters, but also because it'll be nice to finally get that section of the museum flowing. It'll be a bonus to eventually start having his stuff in excess to decorate the island with, both genuine and fake stuff.

Reese & Cyrus are obviously up there too, but Tortimer might sneak in there first due to nostalgia.
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I'm thinking Katrina will be my first.....but I'll probably TT them all if I need to.
Debating between Reese/Cyrus and Sahara, but will probably go with Sahara because I want more wallpapers and flooring. Well, only if there's no walls and floors, if not, definitely Reese/Cryus.
I voted Katimrina, because I'm interested to see what she's all about, then I'd say either Redd, so that I can pretend I'll make progress on my museum, or Reese and Cyrus for the Nook Mile item customization.
I voted Redd because I'm missing so much from him, including statues I'd like to have to decorate my island.

Reese & Cyrus would most certainly be next in line.
I’m a time travelor. I will probably try and go for Reese and Cyrus and then Leif. I’m still customizing and decorating my town, so these two seem like the best choice right now.
I am definitely going for Katrina First, I loved her in NL and i cant wait to see if they upgraded her some how. I really really hope that she is like in NL that if she tells you a bad fortune bad things will happen like tripping maybe now more things might happen 🤞 . Also Truly hope that she will truly say always something regarding your sign depending on the moon phase etc.

As you can see my expectation for katrina are high and i just cant way to explore all she will bring us.

Maybe she could unlock us some new mystical furniture or DIYs :love: ( maybe too hopeful ) but one can dream.

PS: i cannot wait to make Katrina a beautiful witchie in the woods 😍!
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Cyrus can customize 'ready-made' furniture, so basically any item that isn't a DIY can be customized by Cyrus in most cases since I'm sure there are some items that'll not be customizable at all.
Ah sweet that's nice.

Too bad I already did it with the already existing items through catalog island, but that doesn't mean I can't do it to the update items coming soon.
Since the direct showed several Lloids, I think you can unlock simultaneously, but I will probably focus on one at a time, so I can dig through what each has to offer.

Right now, I'm thinking about getting Leif first, so I can plant crops. Beyond that, I'm not sure.
you think that Label will have her own RV and will stop making more non-useful fashion contest ? maybe she will have like a little RV shop with new experimental clothes?
Yes, it would be interesting to know if we can unlock all at once, or only one at a time. If the latter, I think I would start with Reese/Cyrus, to start customizing the new Nook items ASAP, and then either Katrina or Leif (in order to get a jump on new crops). I am not in a hurry to unlock the rest.
I would unlock Lief, then reese and cyrus, then redd if I still played. I would think you would get your crops from Lief.
reese and cyrus first for me! I disliked having the items color locked and this makes it more convenient to get the specific color that I want of certain items.
Reese & Cyrus for their functionality, but I'm also really interested to talk to Tortimer and Katrina since this is their first time in NH.
Probably Leif closely followed by Katrina.

I have a community garden on my island that I'm looking forward to revamping with more then just pumpkins.

I'm also really glad to see Katrina back. I know a lot of people used to hate the bad luck mechanic but I always found it amusing when I'd just suddenly trip all the time. Not to mention I like her mysterious fortune teller like vibes.
Probably Leif closely followed by Katrina.

I have a community garden on my island that I'm looking forward to revamping with more then just pumpkins.

I'm also really glad to see Katrina back. I know a lot of people used to hate the bad luck mechanic but I always found it amusing when I'd just suddenly trip all the time. Not to mention I like her mysterious fortune teller like vibes.

I absoluta adored this feature ! it have some much depth and i cant explain it very much but i love it hehe
I kind of want Katrina first just because I miss her. I think Reese and Cyrus is definitely the most useful of the RV's though so that would be second for sure.
My order's gonna be:
  1. Leif (for those new crops)
  2. Reese & Cyrus (so I can start customizing new items asap!)
  3. Tortimer (just cause I miss him lol)
  4. Katrina
  5. Redd
  6. Saharah
  7. Kicks (though if they add more shoes maybe he'll move up since I'm done the art gallery, and I don't care too much about getting more Saharah items)