so the starters for pokemon sword and shield are announced. Grookey the grass type, Scorbunny the fire type and Sobble the water type
THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE AHHH. im still deciding between scorbunny and sobble but i think i will probs go with sobble! who will you pick as a starter? #TeamSobble
Scorbunny, hands down. His design is really cute and appealing to me, and I generally like to go with starters whom I like the designs of (since my big thing with Pokemon is being able to play with them an all that). The other two are okay, though I'm not a fan of the grass-type starter, which sucks because that's usually the starter I like to go with. The water-type starter is pretty good.
I can't wait to see their evolutions! Hopefully they come up with something better than a [type]/fighting starter like last time. We don't need any more fighting starters.
#TeamSobble. Give me a lizard-type Pokemon, let alone one that's a water starter? Game over man. I dig Grookey, though. As always I'll wait to finalize my opinion once the final evolutions are leaked. Last gen I was hardcore team Popplio until I saw its final evo.
I'm gonna pick Scorbunny. Don't care into it evolve, even if it's another fire/fight Pokemon at the end, I'm gonna pick it. The other both are cool too, Grookey looks cute and it looks like Sobble is already a meme, thanks to the expression it's official artwork has, which looks like that shocked Pikchau meme.
I have to wait for the final evolutions. As of right now, Scorbunny.
But when Sun/Moon was announced I was originally going with Litten but then the final evolution was revealed and well...I went over to the Popplio team.
Ah, I haven't been paying much attention to Pok?mon news lately, so this reveal took me by surprise. Starters are always the most exciting Pok?mon to be revealed in my opinion.
I really have no idea which one I will pick yet. All 3 of them look like they have so much potential for evolutions! Right now I'm leaning toward Grookey. I like monkeys and its design is really cute.
Even if Scorbunny's evolutions turn out to be lackluster, it's still going to be my favorite bunny Pok?mon. Its design is so much better than Diggersby and Lopunny.
Sobble is my least favorite, but looking at its design, I think it could end up having a really good final evolution.