Overall I think Incineroar is top cat, so my vote goes to it. I like that it's Fire/Dark and I think its design is just right in terms of bipedal final starter status. It's just very memorable and cool imo and it helps that Litten is my favorite baby stage fire starter, but I also really love Fuecoco. He is a derpy Bubble Bobble dragon boy

the thing about Skeledirge, for me at least, is that when it stands upright I can't help but think it looks more metallic and robot-ish rather than ghost-ish, if that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering it's not a Steel Type lol but I really like its design too. We finally got a full quadrupedal final stage fire starter.
Charizard is fine. It's Charizard, not much more I can say about it other than the usual "it's the hot poster boy of Pokémon" and Typhlosion is just awesome. If I play gen 2 it's either Cyndaquil or Chikorita that I choose as my starter. Blaziken is very cool, too, but man Combusken always just looked rough in the eyes to me lol, I mean, it's got that weird thing about it, something about the way it's designed, much like Thwackey, who also looks super off to me. They just both look like they've been uncomfortably, painfully stretched into long boys lol
Infernape is great, Emboar I have a soft spot for, but Delphox is definitely not my favorite. It could have been designed better. It actually used to be my least favorite final stage, that is until we got..........

it holds the top #1 spot as my least favorite fire starter ever. Sad because I think Scorbunny isn't half bad.