i just found sasha in his house with a frying pan. he asked me for a sea bass but i dunno LMAO
it's turkey day on my island but i dont want him to display a fish in his house o_o
Dora was cooking something I dont remember what it was. It took me a few seconds before I realised I should probably talk to her so she could show me her recipe. I was just amazed that she was cooking for a while.
I found Chai making mixed fruit crepe like a day before she pinged to move. Was already planning to boot her for Shino since I have Chai’s amiibo card and can move her back in if I get desperate, but still felt a tad guilty taking her cooking and then booting her. Lol
I absolutely adore Shino, though, and she fits my town theme better.
Also notice some villagers phase through the wall of their house while cooking. Margie seasons all her dishes with drywall, I guess, because that pan is lodged in the wall every time.
ok i was trying to remember and i think it was Marshal, or Bunnie. and i thought, wait what if they don't have a stove?? but then realized some of them don't have a workbench anyway but it appears when they give a diy. LOL!!!! seriously, i love that we got recipes too, it's reached that point where i don't even bother talking to them when they're crafting because those DIY's were just stocking up.
Sherb! I dont remember exactly what he was making (think it was a fruit something, but I could be wrong). Very fitting as he was my first villager living on my island. ♥