• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Who are you gonna play New Leaf with?

None of my friends seem to have Animal Crossing/be interested in the series, so I guess most of the people I'll be playing with will be strangers that I've added. XD
I don't mind, I actually enjoy that aspect of the game~! Plus, I kinda prefer playing by myself but I know I'll want to do island activities with others. <3
Well only one of my friends has a 3ds, but she doesn't know I have one. I bet she's getting this game though because she told me that she LOVED the Animal Crossing series. When the game comes out i might just happen to ask her about it. So I could possibly be playing with her. I will kind of be playing with my sister. She'll just be standing over my shoulder and be like "Give it here so I can play n my character." If the bundle comes out then my sister and I could actually wifi! (I'd give her my old 3ds and game). I would like to wifi with some people on here too!
I tend to interview people when I don't know them. If I don't like them they don't come in :)
My friends don't play Animal Crossing, so I have no one. But I hope I can play with people from the forums and other websites^^
I have a whole zero people to play this game with so far!

When I used to WiFi on AC:CF, I would have a few good friends on AXA that I would stay up with catching bugs and reeling in the cash... Where are you now, Sable?!
My boyfriend is going to try the game out, he did enjoy the gc one, but I cant see him being a huge fan... Who knows though! He is the only one I can think of in rl to play with me, haha. Maybe i can get lucky and meet someone on release date at GameStop
I have a few friends from WW who will be playing NL but not many. I'm hoping to add some people from here to play with!
Iunno I have a friend with the Japanese version so I'll probably be playing with her - then the will rest probably just be a few people I'm close to on TBT + my brother (if he gets the game)
tbh I don't expect to be playing regularly with more than 15 people (20 max) - the only reason I'd go to other peoples towns is if I needed an item in their town or something.
When I used to WiFi on AC:CF, I would have a few good friends on AXA that I would stay up with catching bugs and reeling in the cash... Where are you now, Sable?!

Back in 2009, this was pretty much the case for me. I made friends with at least a few of that forum's members (including you Trundle/MrMr). Now I have 60+ people on my 3DS Friend List, a few of them being from here and ACC too. I'll surely be playing with the majority of the people I've added soon about a week after the EU release date and I'm willing to add more people to that list. You know what they say, the more, the merrier!

Trundle: Sable still posts on AXA, by the way. Maybe you should do the same, sometime! ;)
Hardly any of the people i know still play AC, or will be buying new leaf. I only have 1 friend whom i play AC with that i know irl (Takoya) and the rest of my AC friends are from forums.
One of my friends got her 3DS today and she said she will be getting New Leaf, so I'll most likely play with her during college (At lunch) and my brother is getting it as well so we'll be visiting each other's towns everyday so most likely he will be in my town when I play with people from here. (He can be annoying but funny)
i have 1 person on acc who im good friends with who i might wifi with but other than that idk
im so lonely
I'll be playing with FIRE... no im kidding.

I hope to play wif suma muh old City Folk buddies, And i really hope to play with all of you. Ya'll really grew on me, like a New Leaf on a sapling ;)
I'll be playing with FIRE... no im kidding.

I hope to play wif suma muh old City Folk buddies, And i really hope to play with all of you. Ya'll really grew on me, like a New Leaf on a sapling ;)

Oh so punny.

Honestly though, yeah, ya'll grew on me. Kind of a good thing that I came here BEFORE release.