Who do you get along with/trust more in general? Men or Women?

Who do you trust/get along with more?

  • Men

    Votes: 30 34.9%
  • Women

    Votes: 56 65.1%

  • Total voters
The majority of my friend group at school are guys, because we share more interests? Like anime and conventions and stuff. None of my friends who are girls play video games or watch anime. My best friend is a guy and we have everything in common, although I do have some close female friends who are just happy to gossip and chat about things that my best friend wouldn't 'get'.
Tbh, I get along with males more than most. I haven't had the greatest experience with best friends and they have all been females, and have actually just fallen out with another friend due to her not acknowledging my existence. Anyway, ever since I went to college, there were mainly females, (there were only 2 females in our group as of last year and that's including myself), so I got on with the males in my class fairly easily and still do. In regards to school, I've always managed to get on with males more than females simply because the majority of them are more laid back.