Who do you get along with/trust more in general? Men or Women?

Who do you trust/get along with more?

  • Men

    Votes: 30 34.9%
  • Women

    Votes: 56 65.1%

  • Total voters
It'd be interesting to have four choices:

- I'm a man and I get along with men
- I'm a man and I get along with women
- I'm a woman and I get along with men
- I'm a woman and I get along with women
the thread title is "who do you get along with," but the poll adds in "who do you trust"

those are different questions.

i get along generally well with both, but i think there's often a sort of competitive vibe with dudes especially if you dont know them very well. so i give the edge to women, plus more of my good friends are women than men altho in part that's a byproduct of remaining friends with a lot of my ex-girlfriends' friends.

trust i think varies by circumstances.
I'd like to say men, because I think I mesh with them a lot more, but it sucks because in this "friendzone" world like no guys want to just be friends anymore... so I have more female friends than guy friends because any guy I try to become friends with misinterprets my friendliness as being DTF and get offended when I correct them... =[
i get along more with girls! all of my irl friends are actually girls tbh.. but online, i only have guy friends.. it's really hard for me to make female friends online for some reason : (
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I definitely get along with women better. Mostly because my mom was always the parent who was raising me when I was a child. It may also have to do with the fact that I'm gay, but also pretty girly, so I just get along with them on many levels.
I don't trust men either, but then I also don't trust women ;) it's just the way I am. Generally I always preferred male company when I was younger, the males I knew tended not to ***** about other males the way that some of the girls did. These days I will spend time with either. I probably do favour women as I feel we can have good gossip;)
I'd like to say men, because I think I mesh with them a lot more, but it sucks because in this "friendzone" world like no guys want to just be friends anymore... so I have more female friends than guy friends because any guy I try to become friends with misinterprets my friendliness as being DTF and get offended when I correct them... =[

I forgot to add that in.
I don't know, I don't really get along with one gender over the other, growing up most of my friends were girls, but not exclusively. I'm wary of people and trust people on a person to person basis,
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online for me it's easier to friend boys, but irl all of my friends are girls. (i only have 2 friends...)
who i trust the most? doesn't matter
Women, mostly. Only a small group, like 2 or 3. I wan't the "nicest" kid when I was in elementary, so now I'm stuck with people hating my guts. I've changed, but they don't really care. Thats why I hang out with my friends that don't judge on past experiences.
Both, I equally enjoy talking to and trust both. Though honestly it depends on what kind of a person they are, gender never mattered to me.
For me, it is definitely men.
Girls are just not nice...in my experience. I feel very uncomfortable and anxious around girls, especially ones I don't know. I feel I can't be myself.
Guys have been mean to me, sure, but more men have been kind to me and let me be comfortable than girls. I constantly feel like girls are judging me. I can be myself and be much more open with men.

I wouldn't really mind my views on girls changing; I like the idea of a sweet girl I can trust, I just personally haven't met any. Even my best girlfriend in high school had a big mouth. My true best friend from then is my husband now and I have some pretty cool friends through him who are all guys. I also don't tend to have much in common with girls nor do I feel I always understand how they are. Another thing is usually drama tends to ensue when new girls join the group.

I'm sure upbringing plays into people's answers to this question; I hope I don't come off as anti-girl, I've just never been as comfortable with them. I have more fun with guys, but a downside is not all of them are willing to 'talk' about stuff but I guess gender doesn't really effect that.
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Ugh I dislike people who hate all men/women just because their gender to be honest. It's not good to be so prejudiced.
I like both. But sometimes I feel so pressurised around other girls to do this and that, and I really just feel so stressed I'll do stuff wrong.
Boys can be more blunt than girls, whereas girls are nasty behind your back. But generally with both genders they can be mean and nasty depending on the person not the gender, yet nice too.
I can't really say as for sure who I would trust more, but I've made a lot of guy friends. Granted I have a lot more female friends than I had before, but still.
With most guys I always feel like they're going to judge me or something and I'm definitely more comfortable to be around girls but I still like hanging out with guys that I am comfortable being around c:
After reading some of the stuff people have written on this thread, I'm starting to get confused by what we mean by trust? I trust women more because men have more frequently threatened me with bodily harm or harassed me, but I'm starting to get the feeling we are not talking about trust in such a life-or-death manner.
If we are talking about keeping secrets or trusting people to be kind to us or whatever, apart from two people who I have been close to for yeeeeeeeeeeeears, I ultimately just don't interact with other people on a regular basis and don't specify my trust in friends based on gender.
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