My favorites are Annalisa, Anabelle, Antonio, Cyrano and Snooty
I really love the general shape of anteaters, from their long mouths to their poofy tails (expect in the case of Anabelle, who reminds me so much of the Pokemon Sandshrew!)
Annalisa - I am enamored with her looks, so oriental and graceful! She was one of my starter villagers back in NL and I was so disappointed to find out she randomly moved away. But then we reunited on a random NMT island so you can imagine my complete joy
Antonio - I love his colors, plus he reminds me of Cyndaquil~
Anabelle - used to have her all the way back in WW and I adored her tropical vibe. She made living on islands cool before it was cool
Cyrano - he's like an old karate instructor in NH lol plus I enjoy how grumpy he looks. And I really like his colors.
Snooty - she actually still lives in my Gamecube town! Fond memories with her
and of course, gotta love that classic Japanese sense of style. She and Annalisa go hand in hand