That's actually true. The OP didn't actually say it was too much. So I'm actually questioning the point of this thread if it's not a thread to complain about how this game is too much when before it was not enough. So it's not all that that surprising that we are wondering if there is no pleasing people. And we already have a complaint thread.
The OP just joined today so we shouldn't be too hard on them.
bruh yes. im too poor for buying one online subscription (also a teenager) so i frequently use free trials alot or when i get LUCKY and its cheap (like CHEAP). (or when theres a free trial promo at the my nintendo) thats why dont ask me why i have so many players on my island. if only nintendo didnt act like tom nook... ughhh im just very stupidly annoyed whenevr my cheap 1 month ended and a villager i like or item i like someone selling it, OR when theres new beautiful design codes and i need to wait for a cheap one/ delete an account and create a new one for free trials (thats when i get really really desperate)im not going to say its too much but i Will say nooks wouldnt give me a darned thing for months! i came here and found someone that was willing to help me out and they did enormously! that being said, i found it really frustrating before i found that persons help to find items. i had to buy the online subscription to get ANY decent furniture and items, and even then only from that person and i had to buy them on nookazon. this game is very unforgiving if you dont cough up the cash!
yeah its obvious troll bait but i just need to rant lmfaoThis is obviously a troll, and I can’t believe people are actually trying to answer their question. They literally made this account today, posted this one thread, and then dipped.