Pokémon Who was your first Pokemon?

I started with Diamond, I chose Chimchar. Infernape is my favourite pokemon now!
Officially, my first pokemon was a Pikachu in yellow, though I don't actually count it as my first, since back then, I was just a toddler. I couldn't read very well, so I didn't know how to save the game. Every time I wanted to play, I'd have to start over. I never got much farther than Viridian Forest, usually. While I did go back and actually play through and beat yellow when I got a bit older, I always consider it as the second pokemon game I played.
When I was around 6 or 7, I got crystal, and I obviously could read quite a lot better by then and didn't struggle with the basic game mechanics anymore. My starter was Chikorita, who i named Janey after my best friend at the time. However, back then I didn't know which gender sign was which, so I mistakenly thought Janey was a girl the entire time. (And allllll my female pokemon had boy names, and alllllll the males had girl names.)
Anyway, I as a dumb idiot child, didn't really understand type advantages, the purpose of defensive moves, or why I would ever bother training a pokemon other than my starter. So by the time I got to the elite 4, I had Janey, my now extremely over-powered Meganium, a Ditto, a Pidgey, a Sentret, and I think a couple other first route, unevolved pokemon in my party. I beat the entire e4 with just Janey. I beat the entire game with just Janey. It was extremely difficult for me, and I remember it taking me a couple of years to complete everything, but now as an adult I look back at it like, dang, I'd never want to attempt a pokemon game with just one pokemon in recent years.
After I beat the game, I stupidly let my cousin borrow it, and she saved over my file, so Janey is gone now. I have a new competitive Meganium in Moon named BUTTHOLE who I love dearly and am constantly considering renaming to Janey in my lovely baby's honor. RIP Janey u are missed.
I started with White and chose Oshawott as my starter! I named him Aqua. Although I sadly didn't use him that much in the game, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't even on my team for the Elite 4...
My first game was Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia because I saw pokemon in the title and assumed it was a main series game but thankfully it’s a great game with a great story, and I chose Starly as my partner pokemon.
My first main series game was White, and I chose Snivy, and like a lot of other kids I tried to beat the game with just one pokemon, I don’t actually remember how far I got though..
My first ever Pokemon was Charmander in Pokemon Red! I picked it because the guide my parents got me to go with the game said that it was the most challenging starter to use.

Thus began my lifelong love affair with fire-type Pokemon.
I actually started with Crystal and the first time I ever played I started with Cyndaquil, but now whenever I play the Gen 2 games I start with Chikorita cause there are better fire types later in the game but now many grass types and I usually do balanced teams.
My brother and I shared Pok?mon Red when we were younger, so we had to make decisions together. As a result, we picked Squirtle as our first Pok?mon. I later got Pok?mon Blue so he could just use Red and chose Bulbasaur.
Squirtle in Pokemon Red/blue, which was my true first pokemon.

Mudkip in ORAS, Fennekin in Y, Rowlet in Gen 7.
I'm pretty sure I played Pok?mon Yellow first, so it was Pikachu.
My guess is that it was charmander in pokemon blue... I was in my child prime when those games came to America
The first Pokemon game that I played was Pokemon Blue and I chose Squirtle as my first Pokemon. The only other Pokemon games that I've played are: Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Sapphire, and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. My first Pokemon in Pokemon Gold was Totodile. I chose Torchic as my first Pokemon in both Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. When it came to the Pokemon games... I would always get the version that my brother didn't want.
The first Pok?mon game I've had was SoulSilver, and not having played any proper videogames before then, I had no clue what I was doing. I randomly tapped the screen and accidentally picked Chikorita but I didn't think much of it and carried on. I grew to really like Chikorita, and it's entire evolution line is in top spot of my favorite Pok?mon as of today. Chikorita wasn't my choice of first pokemon, but I'm glad that's what I got. Some good things come out of being stupid I suppose lol
Squirtle in Blue, and I stayed with water-type starters up until X/Y; then I picked Fennekin.