Whos gone or going trick or treating???


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2005
I was gonna go with a bunch of my friends but since my parents are awy on a cruise i have to come home early and my granpas here so I dont really want him worrying.
Hm, I went with a friend of mine. He was Jason and I was Jack Skellington, it was pretty fun. Got 3/4ths of a pillowcase full of candy, maybe a bit less than that. But our curfew was eight, so...that kinda sucked.

Well I did actually take several young children out for a little bit today.
I volunteer at a crisis nursery
It is nice to help out the kids that need it sometimes.
Thats cool gengar and wow thats a really godd thing to do sporge i dont know anyone really that does that.
Me, my friend, and my sister went out trick-or-treating. Didn't get much though, cause ALMOST EVERYBODY NEAR US IS AT SOME CRAZY PARTY!!! >=<
I went TorTing on Friday. It rained a lot though so we were only out for less than a hour.

UltraByte said:
=O WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?! Does the phrase "FREE CANDY!" not excite you?

I agree though, Koehler my friend. Free candy is much different than bought candy.

I dont like the thing where alot of people say if your over 10 your too old to trick ot treat i havent gona for 2 years now but hey i dont think anyones too old to trick or treat i know 21 year olds who go out dress up and do it.
This year I stad at home passing out candy but I will go next year dressed up really cool:)
Gengar said:
Hm, I went with a friend of mine. He was Jason and I was Jack Skellington, it was pretty fun. Got 3/4ths of a pillowcase full of candy, maybe a bit less than that. But our curfew was eight, so...that kinda sucked.

I went with my bro, we got about a full pillowcase. We were out from 6:30 to 8:00, but we needed to come home cause we had full pillowcases :lol: I wanted to stay out till 9...
I did!! I got around 135 pieces of candy including some nasty coconut toffy but that was probably the worst. i went with 2 of my friends for a couple hours.
Nah I never went this year. I'm getting to old for it and I wouldn't be able to stay in a costume for like 4 hours. I enjoy myself at home on the computer.