Who’s the cutest villager?


The cutest villager is one of these three fine young animals(sorry,Octavian....you are what would be called "ruggedly handsome").
hoo boy i honestly can’t decide - maybe sprinkle? or lolly? or margie? there’s so many cute villagers🥺
the first villager that came to mind when i read this question is Stitches lol. there are lots of other cuties but some of them are cute AND something else u know? for me, Stitches is just precious.
My first thought was Lucky. He's a sweet little mummy dog who talks to bugs and loves to play. He's also super excited to see me each day! But if we're going by appearance alone, it would have to be Merengue ^^
she's not a dreamy but honestly flurry? she would be so small. i want to hold her in my hand. a little poof.
Molly, Flora, Lolly, and Bones haha

Molly cause she’s a freaking adorable duck

Flora cause her personality is so amazing and she’s wonderful to look at

Lolly because... cuteness and huggable-ness

Bones because we are both lazy and have the same birthday 😈
molly for sure... what an absolute qt. not my fave villager of all time, but def the cutest haha
In all honesty, I find Poppy to be the cutest. Though Audie is a close second for me. I loooove her eyes.
Poppy is so freaking adorable. Definitely one of my all time favorites now. I also think Hopkins, Punchy, Tangy, Tabby, Mitzi, and yes, even Al are all cute.
Imagine my shock when I see a thread called "Whos the cutest villager?" and I haven't obnoxiously declared my undying love for the cutest of honks!?
