Who's your favorite villager in your town?

I love T-Bone! I don't know what it is about him, but we're best friends. He was one of my first villagers, and his house is left and above mine! He's always been cool to me. Love him like a brother!
Poppy. She was one of my original five, so I've had her forever and she's my lil darlin' (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
This morning she tried to tell me she was moving...HAH!
I can't really pick D: Probably Dora and Puddles, but I'm really starting to love Poppy, shes adorable..
Ahh I love Diva so much! She's not very popular, but she's still my favorite!
Merry. She`s the sweetest person (well, she`s an animal, but still..!) and I absolutely ADORE her. I`ve got pretty stupid animals apart from Whitney and Kiki.
Kid Cat's my favorite. I didn't think I'd like him so much when I first invited him to stay in town, but I've warmed up to him. ^^
Mine atm in my town is Flurry. I mean, come on, have you ever seen a hamster cuter?? But Cheri is a close 2nd place.