Why collectible teams?

Samanthers (^-^)

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2015
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Soooo.... I was wondering: Why are there no teams not circulating around collectibles?

Are they allowed, non-collectible teams?

Why not a Team Books, Team Video Games, or Team Sports?

Would you join one of those?

Is it a good idea or do you think it will just fail?

I mean collectibles are cool and all they're just so much money and so hard to find!
Wouldn't it be cute to have a Team Books? I mean you could give a member a little picture to put in their sig, we could have book discussion, games, and giveaways!
There actually are about two teams that are not based on collectibles (Also one in construction which I'm currently making with a few friends c: )!~ The two teams I saw were Team Love and Team Magicahh, I don't think they are as active now unfortunately. ; v ; There are a few other teams where collectibles aren't expensive either! I saw a Team Pear and the pear collectibles are still available in the shop! There is also a Team Fruit, where if you have any of the fruit collectibles you can join! :D

Non-Collectible Teams are definitely allowed! It's just making one and taking care of a group is a lot of responsibility and a lot of work. It's easy to make a "Team __", but it's not so easy to keep it alive, active, and going.
Teams are not an official thing on this website. Miharu and I created Team Popsicle to help others get that specific collectible for a cheaper price/free by giving some away. I personally do not know how or why more have been created, but its a fun way to make friends and feel part of something on the website.
There has been a couple Teams made to signify other objects, like anime shows. These teams have fallen through, because there were not a lot of benefits in joining them.
Lots of people have not agreed with them, as they clog up the forums, but technically there is nothing wrong with them.

Teams are not limited to collectibles, and it would be nice to see other groups form, I just wish every single group wasn't a "Team," you know? It kind of took away the individuality that Team Popsicle had.
Perhaps names like "Book Club" or "Reading Circle" would make them a little more fun and unique!
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Thanks guys! I think Teams are a really fun idea to make friends on the forums, it's awesome what you guys are doing! I might try out making a Book Club or something like that maybe
Thanks guys! I think Teams are a really fun idea to make friends on the forums, it's awesome what you guys are doing! I might try out making a Book Club or something like that maybe

It definitely is fun!! :D Hahaha good luck with your Book Club!!! >//v//<b You can do it!~
There actually are about two teams that are not based on collectibles (Also one in construction which I'm currently making with a few friends c: )!~ The two teams I saw were Team Love and Team Magicahh, I don't think they are as active now unfortunately. ; v ; There are a few other teams where collectibles aren't expensive either! I saw a Team Pear and the pear collectibles are still available in the shop! There is also a Team Fruit, where if you have any of the fruit collectibles you can join! :D

Non-Collectible Teams are definitely allowed! It's just making one and taking care of a group is a lot of responsibility and a lot of work. It's easy to make a "Team __", but it's not so easy to keep it alive, active, and going.

That's me, the creator of Team Love and Team Cake! ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
Hehe (~ ̄▽ ̄)~