Why did you choose your icon?

It’s pink c: and how cool kids call it “aesthetic” XD Not sure if I used the word right o.o
Crow is love, Crow is life. A lot of people seem to dislike him and his backstory, but he really struck a chord with me. (Just like Adachi before him. I might have a problem, haha... orz)
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Just saw it online and wanted to use it. <3 Also changed my Steam one and just chose a random one I felt like.
oh gosh i think it's been about a year since i had this one. i think the night sky is very pretty, i do mean to change it though, i'm just lazy. in fact i think in my three years here i've changed my icon only a couple of times
because this image is silly and from a behind the scenes of my favorite music video by this band.
because it's festive for the season and loki is hot stuff
Gasai Yuno is cuteeeeee.

I picked Bijou cause she's cute.

(I like cute things obviously).
I used this avatar last year around New Year's, so I figured I'd do the same again. It also fit well with the image I found to use as my signature for the time being, so there's that as well.
Because he's one of favourite musicians and he looks derpy in lit every picture and I like this one. Also santa hat for the season.
Because I love Fire Emblem and there's a New Years event in FEH and Camilla seem's like the best one to suit my aesthetic.
Because I love Fire Emblem and there's a New Years event in FEH and Camilla seem's like the best one to suit my aesthetic.

boobzilla always.

also i'll probably change mine soon enough since it's not really xmas anymore (unless you celebrate in january as well but i don't sooo)