Why has my signature been removed?


Fish are friends not food
Feb 24, 2015
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
Candy Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
Orange Mote of Flame
someone made it for me and has a size of 250(height) x 750(width)! Many other people have signatures so much bigger than that, yet don't get removed. My signature was in the flipping guidelines! So angry.
Sorry I would help you but I don't know how... Who made it for you??

- - - Post Merge - - -

You should ask whoever made it what is going on....
The signature gif is fine but you can only have 1 line of text, so that quote on the bottom needs to go
If your signature graphic reaches the maximum height (250px), like yours does, then you can only have one line of regular size text underneath. You have both a line of text and a quote with another line of text, pushing it over the limit.
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