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Why have they stripped so much from the game???

It does seem like a lot of the features are gone, but I assume that it's just the beginning of the game and more things will be unlock as you progress. The ACNH Companion Guide that is coming out in a couple of weeks is 432 pages long and I would imagine that they would cover everything that the game has to offer.

I'd say be patient and I'm sure it will live up to ACNL!
Fingers crossed that we can dive at some point in the game.
I do really understand the frustration. I have to admit that my heart sunk when I scanned in Brewster's and Katrina's Amiibo cards only to have the pop-up that they weren't available. I went and scanned in ever special amiibo card I had and there are a ton of them missing. However, their name popped up unlike the other amiibos that just don't work with the game at all. So, I am cautiously optomistic that they might be coming in updates. I am really enjoying New Horizons and I just want to play it a lot!

I'm also no way finished with New Leaf, but my 3DS has really low battery life because it is just so old and I'm not sure I want to get another system for a longer battery life for just one game. I would really have to want to play through my other 3DS games, but I don't really want to play on my 3DS right now either.

But, I feel like it is really unfair to claim that the game has lost the signature charm or to just call it an upgraded Pocket Camp. From what I have seen the villagers have so much more life to them. They get more active every day! I can't wait to get more villagers to my island to see them all interact.
I think we need to remember it’s literally only been 5 days since the game came out, and there’s still so much that none of us have discovered yet - even people that have time travelled. AC has always been the kind of series where the more time goes on, the more happens and that can be slow to some but it’s part of what makes the series what it is. We can’t assume that just because we haven’t seen certain things yet they won’t appear at all, we have to be patient

(okay it's not just in america but this gif is what all the complaining reminds me of lmao)

can we be patient please! literally nothing has said that we aren't getting these things except people snooping through a game for things that aren't there because they haven't been patched in yet. animal crossing isn't about instant gratification and if that's all you care about maybe you should take a break and play something else until the next update :)

(okay it's not just in america but this gif is what all the complaining reminds me of lmao)

can we be patient please! literally nothing has said that we aren't getting these things except people snooping through a game for things that aren't there because they haven't been patched in yet. animal crossing isn't about instant gratification and if that's all you care about maybe you should take a break and play something else until the next update :)
Yeahhhh whether it's free or paid dlc, all switch games have had updates with new updates so can we just wait and enjoy ourselves? They did sacrifice MILLIONS of dollars to push the date back for extra time to work on it so... not like it's because they're lazy
I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way:( I also noticed that the villagers’ dialogue is a bit lackluster.... they typically say one thing, maybe about the island or your outfit, and then end the conversation? I just really hope we get consistent updates in the future.
i dunno, im content with ACNH and have already said its the best game ever multiple times. ive been having so much fun and play with my friends like, three hours a day. my enjoyment of AC has been vastly improved upon in this game. i am a little sad about certain things not coming back, but even if it isnt gonna be added im okay with it. every new game cant be a frankenstein of all the old features. some things were going to be removed eventually.

my favorite part of AC has always been customization, so this game absolutely fits the bill in regards to the best ever for me. so greatly improved. regarding little details that are missing (stump patterns for example) weve also been given many new little features... think of all the new things your villagers do, for example.

i love this game so much, im not disappointed at all. i hope anyone who is finds their fun in it.
Tbh yes, I am disappointed by how much seems to be missing at present moment, but I am hopeful for updates with new content in the future. Particularly I need diving and swimming back.
The museum came today for me and then it dawned on me about the paintings! But the museum is amazing I would love to visit one like this but not sure there’s one like that anywhere near me!
But why would Nintendo even bother updating it? Everyone's already bought it and gave the game a perfect score.

And again, I'll point out, New Leaf had all this stuff from the beginning and still got updated for more.

I like that the game looks nice, I like the customisation options... but just looking at how much stuff has been cut. They could patch it in later, but its hard to see how the game could ever match New Leaf if we're starting off on the back foot.

I'm just hoping now that at some point in the future we'll get the old games remastered. The idea appeals to me a bit more than waiting for to be piece fed what we've already had previously.
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I believe, Nintendo wants to go a new way and with less cheating aka time traveling, but I could be wrong. I doubt that Catherine is gone from the game, just like the other NPC. The only thing, that we know from the videos, is that two events and the turnip sunday are done by new NPCs, which might be the next generation, I believe.

Again, we don't know if Katrina, Harriet and others are gone. Maybe replaced with new versions to fresh the game up, but the topic like Shampoodle or Redd's Art Parlore... I doubt it, because those were moments in Animal Crossing. As for myself, I hope to see Katrina or her follower, because I loved this part of the game.
Remember Nintendo is intentionally leaving stuff out, especially stuff pertaining to holiday events, to keep people from time traveling to the holiday and spoiling it.

It's possible that they are going up add them in later updates, like they are the holiday events. We don't know what Nintendo has planned, but I'm excited to find out.