Lady A

Junior Member
Jun 10, 2019
I don't think that she's even that good.Y'all are out here saying she's a prodigy? Her BROTHER writes her songs.And she doesn't even sing that well.Go to college and get a job. Anybody else agree?
personally her music is a bit strange.
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She has a nice voice, is young, and brings something new / fresh to an industry that's been heavily dance pop/edm for the last 4-5 years. Feel free to dislike someone's music, but to discredit her entirely as an artist is totally unfair given that:

1) Nearly every artist nowadays have their songs written for them. Even then, her music stands out to a lot of people and she has said in several interviews that the writing is usually done collaboratively between the two.
2) Her voice is technically trained and she has a large vocal range. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's "not good" especially given how young she is.
3) What does "go to college and get a job" even mean lol... she's far more successful than 99% of people that do go to college and get some random office job will ever be(not to mention I guess being an artist in her teens doesn't count as a "job"?)

I think you're grasping at straws to hate on someone for being successful at a young age. I mean, again, you can dislike someone's style of music / personality or whatever, but your entire basis for discrediting her talent seems to revolve around her music not being your taste and being young. :rolleyes:
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She actually co-writes her music with her brother.. They're a team. I really like Billie because her music doesn't conform to the norm. I actually like her breathy falsetto voice. And being a musician is a real job? There are many people who didn't go to college and have successful lives or work really hard at whatever they do. It's kind of judgmental to insinuate that if you didn't go to college, you are somehow lesser than someone who did? Like it's cool to dislike her music and style but to be incredibly dismissive and aggressive about it is another thing entirely. And I think if she makes millions doing this, she'd rather do what she's doing than "get a real job" whatever that means, lol.

I for one am a fan but I can understand why she wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.
cuz she is good

she is gonna make music good again


- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't think that she's even that good.Y'all are out here saying she's a prodigy? Her BROTHER writes her songs.And she doesn't even sing that well.Go to college and get a job. Anybody else agree?

also "go to college and get a job" sis you really invalidating people who have a job by making music omg the nerve to say this
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I can see why people don't like her music, more than half of her songs aren't my cup of tea, only a few but I wouldn't call myself a fan. Her official studio songs don't really do her voice justice and I feel like that's something she shouldn't be discredited for.

Sounds pretty good to me
Because she is a sad, depressed kid that makes music about being sad and depressed. And I guess that's relatable for a big, teenage audience.

I like her style but i'm not that much into her music. I have respect for her because she blew up in a year or two and that must be pretty hard to cope with. But I'm not putting on her album or anything on Spotify, maybe a song or 2. I liked Ocean Eyes.
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Billy who?

No seriously, who is this person and do I have to know her?
I like her a lot, and I also think she sings well. But honestly, I don't understand why people say negative stuff like that just because they don't like the person/their music. If you don't like her, fine, but no need to talk down on her just because shes famous. ://
idk, her whole image is like "im different, ive always strived to be different" which is popular with people i guess, but like no shes not lol
I'm not a big fan of her music but I can see why's so popular as she's a lot more "relatable" than traditional pop artists I guess!
I saw her briefly at a festival in Georgia last year. Didnt know who she was so I didnt pay attention.

I feel like she went from perky pop teen to...whatever you wanna call her now really fast. I didnt even recognize her when I saw all the bad guy memes coming out.

She has a couple good songs.
I like her music and her voice and I think she's super talented. I would totally suggest anyone listening to her music if they haven't.
Man, I feel so terrible for liking like 3 of her songs because I'm an adult. Is that weird? I have been trying to keep it a secret. I only found out who she is like 3 months ago since I only listen to my own music and don't find out about new music through others much. As a horror fan, I'm slightly obsessed with "bury a friend". I love all the little noises in it. I don't remember how I came across her to begin with (I think I was listening to Grimes), but yeah, she seems to be everywhere. I wish people, mainly people my age and older, would just quit with the hate. Like what's the point?
I don't think that she's even that good.Y'all are out here saying she's a prodigy? Her BROTHER writes her songs.And she doesn't even sing that well.Go to college and get a job. Anybody else agree?

No I don't care for her at all. Most of music like that nowadays is just garbage and overrated