I can't stand any of the candidates, and I was actually going to vote Johnson this election, but after his second "Aleppo" moment, he lost all my support. So it for me comes down to Clinton Vs Trump, and I can't in good conscience vote for Trump. He's a Racist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Islamaphobic little orange man, who has proved to us time and time again that he is unfit to run office. His demeanor and handling of himself during the first debate (Which these things in a way are Job Interviews) shows that he's very unprepared. No, Hillary is not without her faults, but I would feel a little more comfortable with her in office than I would Trump. He would try to unravel anything that President Obama has done for the past 8 years, his immigration and tax plan would send us way farther into debt, far worse than anything Secretary Clinton has showcased. To be quite honest, he actually hasn't showcased much of the policies he's talked about, when it comes to his wall plan he hasn't said how he's going to make Mexico pay for it (unless I've missed something).
With electing Trump, we in a sense would also be endorsing Racism and everything we as a country SHOULD stand against in a social standpoint.
So while I can't stand either of them, I hope for the love of God that Hillary wins the election. She has my vote #GurlIGuessImWithHer