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Will we all be forced off of ACNL in the year 2050?

I can't wait for some Animal Crossing Wii U. You may not want it, but I do and so does the Wii U. It needs it.
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The WiiU needs to survive. But I don't know if people will buy the WiiU just because of AC. Basically its just VirtualBoy all over again.
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speaking about wiiu (that surely won't last untill 2050 :D)
I think that my purchase will be based on the new Zelda or weird games similar to ico for playstation lack of love for dreamcast or fragile dreams for wii rather than animal crossing
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Also, this day old article makes me sad.

Yeah, because of the line about how, back in the day of Nintendo 64, we used to gather in person to talk about our day.

The world is going to be so radically different in forty years that we can't even begin to imagine what it will be like. I really hope I'm not still playing this crap. I want my future to be futuristic! I want to actually BE IN Animal Crossing in forty years! What are my tax dollars paying for?!
I doubt the AC community will just flock to the next one for Wii U because that system sucks like the 2DS and the Wii mini. Nintendo's been failing hard lately with new consoles
The only failure about the 2DS was its release date. If it had released earlier, it would've sold better.

In 2050 the 3DS will be obsolete, people will only turn it on and play a little for nostalgia or it'll be that they've passed it down to their children or grandchildren.

By 2050 it'll be something like ''Super Ultra Simulator 3000'' with a little fan built in so you can feel the wind effects from in-game weather... maybe.
But really, there'll be at least 4 - 5 more AC games by then.
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I doubt the Wii U will last long enough for us to get an Animal Crossing title, tbh. I have a Wii U but I only have like 5 games & I've not touched it since Christmas, literally have no time to sit glued to my TV or have the awkward and clunky gamepad sitting in front of me.

But with the 3DS, I can have it sitting in front of my keyboard so when I'm done with homework or taking a break I can just do something simple & set it aside again.

I really hope not. I will literally fly to Nintendo HQ and protest my life away if they force an AC game out for the godforsaken WiiU. I will fight it to my goddamn grave. Keep this stupid game handheld only pls. (And what you said is pretty much exactly why I hate non-handheld Nintendo crap. I want to take my AC/Pokemon with me, not have it stuck at ****in home ffs)
Even if i dont play actively, i think i will check in once in a while. Its fun when i do that on city folk. And sad actually. They all say stuff like, wow, we havent seen you in years! Where have you been? Weeds everywhere...
Before I reset my town, I'll TT to new years eve in the year 2049 and let you know how it goes :p
Unless nintendo releases a new system, or the game branches out for some reason, I believe it will be on the Wii U. There were rumors going around that it would. If anything it will probably come out within the next 3 years, the game is extremely popular and even more so with the release of New Leaf. I would prefer for it not to be on the Wii U, I disliked the Wii for so long.
I'll only buy a WiiU if the new AC comes out on it... Otherwise I don't care about the console itself :L
All I wish is that we can somehow carry over our villagers or anything we've done in this game to our new games until 2050, derp. As an option. < w>;
That's in forty-six years though, lol. I really doubt there'll be anyone who's still playing the game, or even using a 3DS. Imagine how outdated a 3DS will be XD
Fifty years ago video game consoles didn't even exist. In fifty more years there'll probably be much better technologies and people wouldn't want to use one of these old 3DS things.
So I'd say don't worry. c:

uh check your math

Also, why all the Wii U hate? Half of you have never used it. I personally think it looks cool, but yeah, it is a bit to large for my tastes.
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46 + 14 does not equal 50, it equals 60. 2050 is actually 36 years into the future.

Dont mind me i'm just being stupid (◡‿◡✿)
46 + 14 does not equal 50, it equals 60. 2050 is actually 36 years into the future.

Dont mind me i'm just being stupid (◡‿◡✿)

I think he was estimating. Not really stating the exact numbers. 36 is near to 40.'14 is nearer to '10. Therefore, we can estimate that it will be 40 years into the future :3 But I guess stating the exact numbers would be better.
In the beginning I didn't like the Wii U or have any interest in it. But idk, there seem to be a couple cool games on there. I've been considering getting one, but I keep pushing it back. Right now, I'm like "I'll see how I feel about it in June and if I want it I'll get it", lol. If they put an AC game on there, it would probably push me to get one.

As for 2050, I won't say how old I'll be. @_@ I don't know if I'd be so quick to say we wouldn't still be playing the 3DS. It's a very small and specific group, but people are still playing/buying [used] NES's & games and that's almost 30 years out. Most people wouldn't be playing it, but I wouldn't say no one. I bet the AC clock would just reset after 2050. Someone could time travel to Dec 31, 2050 in their game and see what happens at midnight. :lemon: