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Will you abandon New Leaf when New Horizons releases?

Same here. I would also go ahead and say that I would still playing NL, but I know that I would caught
myself playing more NH and start to forget more and more NL. So I would say I will try not to abandon
it, but it could be that this will happen...
I thankfully won't need to make that call because I haven't really been playing NL for a while now.
I'd already completed my town before the announcement last year, and decided then to just wait for the new game, rather than start another NL town.
I don't really think so, because I highly doubt I'll have collected everything/completed my town by then. Plus, I love portable handheld consoles, so I don't think I'll completely abondon it.
But of course the new game is going to take much more of my time, because starting and discovering a new game takes some effort, while in NL it will mostly only be maintenance work.
I abandoned my 3DS and Wii U months before the Nintendo Switch was launched. Sold them for credits that enabled me to buy the new console at a much reduced price.
depends on how much I like new horizons, but i doubt i'll abandon new leaf entirely
100% Getting abandoned unless I don't finish my current NL town before Horizons gets released.
I actually just picked it back up but you can be sure that I will abandon it quickly after NH comes out.
I already abandoned New Leaf to build up that Animal Crossing craving in anticipation for a new game like 2 years ago. But I'm really in the mood for Animal Crossing and idk if I can leave that desire unsatisfied for 9 months lol
Most probably, yeah. I haven't even been playing my New Leaf town for the past month because I've been busy with work. I definitely won't have time to keep two towns going, so...it'll probably be "bye New Leaf" for good.
I won't abandon NL totally, I'll just let it go into a gentle semi-retirememt like my GC, DS and Wii towns.
yeah I'm tired of playing new leaf, its hardly worth it to talk to my villagers as they are extremely repetitive, but I may try to get the hero gear from fortune cookies and build a few houses in alt accounts. 9 months before the new game comes out so might as well try to do something with an animal crossing game until then.
My town will be a year and 15 days old on new horizon launch date and that will be an accomplishment for me because I had a resetting problem.

I cant see myself going back to it after new horizon but one day in a few years I'll go look at my town for nostalgia.
i already sort of have. don't think i will have any reasons to revisit my new leaf towns much after new horizons comes out
i abandoned NL soooo long ago! i'd been meaning to start over on it for the longest time now: my villagers like to remind me of old friends i've played with and it makes me feel melancholic, haha. but i think i actually will for real start over on it a while after NH is released. i think that'll get my motivation to play AC at all back, although i probably won't be very committed to maintaining my town at that point (or you know, so i'd like to tell myself, to give myself the illusion i'll have free time at that point in my life)
Yes. The 2ds screen hurts my eyes. Can?t wait to play on a tv. Every now and then I?ll play new leaf though. Like the other games.