Will you abandon New Leaf when New Horizons releases?

As soon as acnh is here I will abandon nl and will never look at it again. I mean I usually don't stick to a game forever. It was good, really good but it's time for something new ^^ I have so many games with hundreds of hours of gameplay if I would still play everything... dear god xD
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I never completed NL and i always wanted to (i kept restarting whoops) but I know I will probably not go back to it once NZ is out :(
Yeah I've already pretty much abandoned newleaf. I've been letting people come over and raid / salvage my rares
I don't think I'll abandon it. I'm too attached to my current town. I might have less time to play but I'm sure I'll still be obsessed with ACNL.
Most likely not.
If I'm gonna speak honest, no, not a chance.

Someone who I used to be with was a damn big serious gamer. One day he was playing atom boy on Game Boy or something and I asked him, like why the hell playing such an ancient game. He said,

"Because I love it."

Yeah. Exactly. Because I love it.
Most likely not.
If I'm gonna speak honest, no, not a chance.

Someone who I used to be with was a damn big serious gamer. One day he was playing atom boy on Game Boy or something and I asked him, like why the hell playing such an ancient game. He said,

"Because I love it."

Yeah. Exactly. Because I love it.

Well spoken.

I don't even have a Switch but even if I had one... as long as they support 3ds/wii u internet i see no reason to abandon cause "lol next gen only" reasons.
Animal Crossing is a different kind of gaming piece than most series, though. It's in part a sandbox game. Unlike the Zelda franchise for example, Animal Crossing's new iterations are meant to do the same thing as previous iterations, but better. Taking the same concepts and redoing them over. It's "iterative" instead of "incremental".

If you like Breath of the Wild, you can always go back and play A Link to the Past or Wind Waker and enjoy the story, the art or the overworld. It's a different game in a different environment. On the other hand, why would you go back to Animal Crossing: Wild World when you are playing New Leaf (and starting next year, New Horizons). The new version proposes the exact same game, but does it better. Everything better. There's no enjoyment in opting for the lesser version. Why would you go back to iOS 10 when you can use iOS 13? There is no reason to do so!
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No because I still have a lot to do in NL. I can understand why most will abandon the game since New Horizons is newer and better. Also they have probably have done everyhing there is to do in game already so why continue playing? We have been waiting a long time for this so pretty sure most people will focus their attention on NH. For me though I will continue to play NL because there is so much to do still and I have good memories with these villagers.Even after I'm done with NL I'll still check on everyone like with previous AC games to see how they're doing.
Yes. I mean I haven't touched both of my towns since the day I bought a switch. My second town sadly will never be finished and will end up staying that way. Maybe in some far future I will go back and look at it, but for now rip both of my towns
i still revisit my old towns from past games every once in a blue moon but i can see myself getting really into new horizons for a few weeks before mellowing out. it also depends on how different this game is from previous installments.
I'm not abandoning NL when NH comes out, I'd miss it too much. Even after NL came out, I still played CF. So when NH comes out, I'll still be playing NL as town themes are more of my style. Though that island looks REALLY fun, especially with those new features. I can never leave any of my AC games.
I only drop by my NL village every once in a long while anyway so once NH comes out it would probably be dropped.

I recently loaded it up and built some new PWPs and did some landscaping. As foolish as it is, I’m trying to make it a good place to live for my villagers before I drop it completely.
yeaaaah.. new leaf is already a bit stale and I want to put all my time and effort into the new game
I cannot predict how I will respond to “New Horizons” to be able to answer “yes” or “no” to this thread’s question.
Not entirely, no. I do have multiple towns and I know I won't keep up with all of them, but there is no way I'll abandon Bunifrey. But Shiveria, Balamb, and D'ni? Yeah, those will essentially become stasis cubes once New Horizons drops.