Will you abandon New Leaf when New Horizons releases?

I doubt I'll completely abandon it! I would still play wild world if I had my original cartridge, even if it's only once a year lol. But NH will definetely be my new focus
Well I have officially abandoned my NL game. I am selling it tomorrow along with my DS and all my DS games. I like my switch much more and play it more often. I like that I can do handheld or on my tv for the bigger screen. I haven't bothered with my DS games in a while, and recently went to all of them and I just feel bored by them all.
I have loved all my AC games, but as I said many times I just get burned out on them. I get things where I am happy with it and then it is like there is nothing to work for. I can't tell you how many cartridges I have had and how many times I have deleted towns to start from scratch. As someone else said it seems more exciting when starting new.
I can't wait for NH and my goal is to play leisurely so I don't burn out and get bored of it too quickly. Whether I am able to stick to that plan is another story :D
I haven't owned a 3DS in awhile. I don't think I'll ever own one again at this point. Needless to say, I have long let go of my New Leaf town. I refuse to play pocket camp or really dive into any else Animal Crossing to keep the craving extremely strong Animal Crossing(as it has been since they shut down the Wii servers).

(Just personal preference, I prefer Animal Crossing on consoles over the handhelds)
I've already left New Leaf behind honestly. I tried to pick it up again a little bit ago but it just wasn't the same.
I already abandoned NL a while ago since I kinda just did everything I wanted to do.

Might pick it up sometime soon but if I do, I'll be dropping it like a hot turd when NH. I don't have the time to dedicate to more than one of those types of game, plus Animal Crossing is kind of a "the older ones are irrelavent" type of game to me.
Yeah I think I will. I already stopped playing daily since I feel my city is finished, I can’t wait to run a new game. Then, when I’ll be nostalgic, I’ll come back on New Leaf to see how’s going and what changed, like am now doing with Wild World.
I've pretty much abandoned New Leaf and all of my 3ds games. I decided not too long ago that I'm going to start fresh with the Nintendo Switch and I literally mean that. I'm starting fresh even with Pokemon and will be starting fresh with Animal Crossing once New Horizons comes out. To be honest, starting fresh feels kinda good. I don't have to worry about anything else other than playing the new game when it does come out along with Pokemon Sword. Plus, this time I vow to never start over on any game ever again. I'm going to try my best to keep my save files and just be happy with what I got.

So yeah, I've officially retired from New Leaf and all of my other games. Now I'm currently relaxing waiting for everything to come out and when it does, my Animal Crossing batteries and gaming batteries will be recharged. :D
I doubt it. I still haven't decided for sure about New Horizons, but the games seem to inspire me to play others in the series. Gotta kinda burned out building my second ACNL town. Getting villagers to ping for PWP suggestions was wearing on me, but I think playing Wild World recently for the first time recharged my batteries. So I'm back at it now.
Three years ago, my sister came to stay with me, completely out of money and wacked out on illicit substances, and instead of asking me for money while she was supposedly job hunting, she stole my 3DS, both copies of ACNL, and my other games and pawned them. I never got any of it back and the police have no idea where it is (I gave them the serial number, what it looked like, etc). I had worked on my two towns since New Leaf came out, and I was devastated. I rebuilt both towns... but it's not the same. It really isn't, and even though I really love New Leaf, I can't bring myself to play it for very long anymore. It is a very likely thing that once New Horizons comes out, I will stop playing New Leaf. I'm looking forward to that brand new start.
New Leaf will always hold a special place in my heart, but once New Horizons is out... don't think my beloved 3DS town will feel the love anymore. I'll probably check in on it many years later, but I know I'm going to be 100% dedicated to New Horizons come March.
Nah, I won't leave NL--or WW, for that matter; I gotta water ALL the flowers! XD

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I know I won't get to play with many people on NL after NH drops, but playing it gives me a sense of peace, and i definitely need to maintain that calm for my health.
It looks like my daily routine will be Wild World, New Leaf, and then New Horizons, one after the other XD
I've been bored with new leaf for a long time now so I most likely will abandon it as much as I hate to say it. I'll still check in periodically but nothing too big because of how occupied (and probably addicted) with New Horizons I'll be.
As much as I want to say no, we all know it'll happen haha.
I have a LOT of history with my town Port and many good memories made there... plus the fact that I’m still able to play the game as well means I’ll likely still be playing it when I’m playing New Horizons. Albeit, I may only play New Leaf once a week or once every few weeks, but I’ll still check in on my town from time to time. I’ll be playing New Horizons daily for sure though. :)
Of course! As it already is, I still play New Leaf, but usually put it away for months at a time. I'm so far in the game there isn't too much for me to do. I just slowly work on trying to get all the items in my catelog, get all town request, complete my bug and fish museum, stuff like that. Recently I have been redoing my town to make it look a little different for a change. As well as complete all my villager homes. Funny how I have 4 character with full houses and still don't have enough room to display everything. But I will end up putting New Leaf down for months and months to work on Horizons. Because it will be new and fresh.
I hope I won't but to be honest I probably will. I already had this problem when I got my second town (which I deleted because of that issue) so the chances are high. Right now I'm totally obsessed with it tho