amiibo Festival Will you get this game ?

Are you getting Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival ?

  • I am not getting the game or the figurines

    Votes: 68 39.8%
  • I am not getting the game but I'll buy the amiibo

    Votes: 43 25.1%
  • I am getting the game and a few amiibos

    Votes: 20 11.7%
  • I am getting both AC HDD and AC AF and amiibo

    Votes: 40 23.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't have a Wii U and this is not the kind of game that makes me wanna get one either. :/
I don't have a Wii U, but I will be getting the amiibos if possible! They sell like hotcakes so knowing my luck, I'll never get one lol
Amiibo figures, yes definitely if my wallet holds out and I can get them at regular price. The game, no sorry not interested one bit...
Looking at the poll, I'm surprised that so many people picked the first option!
I'm not surprised people don't want the game but I thought that a lot more people would be sucked into wanting the amiibo especially when Isabelle, Tom Nook and K.K. Slider are there.

I will get the game as long as it's free because I want at least one of those amiibo. I need to still decide whether or not I want to pay for the physical copy or not though. And Happy Home Designer looks really great so I do want that.
Looking at the poll, I'm surprised that so many people picked the first option!
I'm not surprised people don't want the game but I thought that a lot more people would be sucked into wanting the amiibo especially when Isabelle, Tom Nook and K.K. Slider are there.

I will get the game as long as it's free because I want at least one of those amiibo. I need to still decide whether or not I want to pay for the physical copy or not though. And Happy Home Designer looks really great so I do want that.

The game won't be free. Nintendo has stated multiple times that the game will "be available for ********purchase******** this holiday season" or something akin to that. From what it looks like, the game will be available through a bundle with two amiibo figurines and three amiibo cards, so if Nintendo releases a digital edition, you'd miss out on the figurines and cards unless you buy them. (Assuming the bundle costs less than everything purchased separately, just get the bundle)
It's the same deal as Happy Home Designer. If that gets a digital release, you'd miss out on the free card they give you.
At the moment, I'm looking to buy (all xD) the Animal Crossing amiibo, but not interested in the game itself
I want to give the spin-offs a try so I definitely will be getting this at some point. I've been debating on the preorder for a while. As far as the amiibos go, whichever ones fall into my lap are the ones I hope to get lol I do hope to find a Tom Nook, but I suppose we'll see what happens.
If I have enough money to get this game after buying all the ridiculous amounts of amiibos that are going to be released then I think I will get it. It looks really cute and a new alternative to playing Mario party. It looks fun and I think people should give it a chance before deciding that they don't want to get it or find it stupid. I think it has a lot of potential for a game that is just a spin off. Another main game will come out eventually so people should just wait and be patient.
I'm considering trying this out, but first I have to see what it has to offer. Considering the fact that this is only one mode in the game, there could be a redeeming trait in this game, but right now I'm leaning slightly towards not getting it. Either way, I'll pick up a K.K. Slider and Tom Nook amiibo.
If this is like the old Mario Party games then I will definitely be getting it. I love the Mario Party games so an Animal Crossing edition is totally cool with me. :) If it's like the new ones though... I'll reconsider. I hate the way the new Mario Party games are styled so I wouldn't enjoy the game. :(
As much as I'd love to buy the game, I can't. My friends and family don't appreciate this style of game. :c However, I'm still getting the Amiibos that come out for it. c: (If I can get my hands on them, that is... xP)