how many miles do we get for it?
i wanna hold it for a while, just because i don't wanna feel too accomplished yet lol. nook shop hasn't even upgraded for me!
i did it like 2 weeks ago. then regretted it because i wanted to buy turnips and had to wait a week, farming tons of tarantulas again. but yeah, i did it. i wont do it for my extra profiles though.. they can live in endless debt. i'll have the free customizations!
i will soon. i mean i can now because i do have the bells for it but i wanted to get my major bridges and inclines out of the way first. done with the bridges, only 1 more "important" incline left.
Already did like 2 weeks ago or so. I had so many excess bells from the stalk market and Flick/CJ, so why not pay it off? Also still had more than enough for all the bridges/inclines and all the building relocations. I might have played a bit much...
I'm definitely a completionist but i wanna leave it until I've got more bells to spare and when I've properly finished at least my island layout/where my house is gonna go!
Considering I just upgraded my house to have a second floor, that I need to relocate every single building and that I've only built one bridge, I won't be able to pay him in a looooong time.
I already did, mostly just to get it out of the way because I thought there would be a cooler bonus other then just free exteriors, but sadly there isn’t
I will, eventually, but I'm not in any hurry.
I just unlocked my basement today.
I was actually hoping the rooms would expand with the final upgrade but they didn't (I don't know why I thought they would) and I thought I might be able to change the look of the exteriors further.
I might actually move some of the rooms around as I'd love to have a bigger kitchen.
Eventually I will, being a competitionist and all but I have the entire catalog to well.. catalog on top of planning an moving my buildings and making projects as needed when the time comes for me to actually want (and have the energy) to terraform and turn my island into a cute little town with an outdoors cafe, park, ect ect.
all those nice bells and whistles not to mention I really want my interest on my savings. Maybe if someone has really good turnip selling prices I'll use my profit to pay off my debt
I already paid for mine knowing it wouldn't do anything, I just wanted to get the annoying loan payment off of my atm lol
can confirm there is absolutely no point other than being a completionist. if you think the free exterior upgrades count, think again. you'd have to buy like a new exterior every day for a year for that to be worth it. and also you don't get any nook miles for paying it off lol