Will you pay Nook back for the final mortgage?

I don't really know what to spend the money on now, so I'm just paying it back in the hope of it being worth something in the future. :p
At the moment, no I am not planning on paying it off because I've asked so many people and all of them have said the only real benefit it being able to get free customization of your home, and I already paid for that before I even considered paying off my house. haha. I am not about to pay 2mil just to get 5k for free, honestly. I am going to wait and see what happens later to see if there is a future benefit for doing so.
Got mad stonks playing the stalk market a while ago and figured I would do it.

Was really excited since I expected something/anything cool was bound to happen. I mean, scraping together over 2 mil bells is no small feat (if you don't have a huge community and do turnip trading).

Boy was I disappointed... No Nook Milestone, no hooray, and the free exterior change is really not a great benefit.

All in all not recommended.
I will, but I still need to build at least 2 stairs, remove a bridge and build another 2. Also, I have to swap Able Sisters and Nook's Cranny's placements, which means I need to spend 150k just to finish this process.

I've bought 8.000 turnips today, and hopefully I'll be able to sell them all for a decent price, which means I would have enough money to finish the layout changes, pay a portion of my debt and still have some bells to buy turnips next Sunday.
I probably wont for a long while, I've really only bothered to upgrade for storage, and that's some expensive storage xD I'm gonna be focusing on my town for a long while after deciding I dont like the direction I've been going and have to tear down the 2 200k bell inclines i just built and move pretty much all of the buildings around. So yeah, nook wont be seeing anymore of my money until my town is in a better position :O
Yeah I definitely will. I’ve never fully upgraded my house in previous games because I couldn’t be bothered but now i think I’m gonna take it a bit more seriously and upgrade my house fully especially if you unlock exterior upgrades for free. I think it would give me a sense of completion. Also, if we have a nook miles reward I’m definitely gonna do it because I always need extra tickets to find my dreamies 🥺😊
I will eventually, but I don't have enough money yet, and I don't think it will happen soon. I'll still be in debt for a while I guess, but I'll pay it after all, when I have a few million bells. It's funny how life is, I have to pay the mortgage for my house in the game and in real life as well. I was looking for Mortgage Advice Cambridge the other day because I want to pay it earlier, and be free, if I can say it like that. I guess in a few days, I'll be left with only one mortgage, so these are some great news.
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Ohh this thread has been revived

Anyways now you have to in order to get more storage space and I desperately need that so definitely
already did- had to get those unlimited free renovations
also because i'm a completionist lol
Yes. I don't want Tom Nook to come after me at 3 in the morning because I haven't paid anything off.
Yep. We didn’t get a cool flagpole or anything, but what else am I supposed to do with these piles of bells?

Idk if making money was easy in this game, or if I just spent way too much time playing in spring.. and I’m not even halfway finished with the last stalk market achievement
I have already paid mine back before they added the extra storage as a benefit to paying it, but it’s definitely a welcomed bonus! Regardless I would have paid it off though, I like to feel like I’ve made it and accomplished something if nothing else. lol
Yes, I will do so when I’m in need of that storage space lol also would be nice to have the nook miles
I have yet to do this. It's probably going to be a long time.