Will you pay Nook back for the final mortgage?

i'm most definitely planning on getting my last loan taken care of. right now i have at least half of it in my bank, saved up. after every day, i'll deposit more money in if i have a considerable amount.

1) i want the achievement, 2) free exterior changes, and 3) i really would like that storage option, so i'm gonna have to pay off my loan either way.

i don't feel pressured into doing it, though - like it's not a big anxiety looming over my head when i play, and that's nice. especially because i keep buying bridges and inclines, etc., and tom hasn't even given me a dirty look yet for not paying him what he's owed 😂
I paid it off because I wanted the free exterior options. Now I’m really glad I paid it off, because it was the key to unlocking more storage.
Of course, I'm going to pay it off! I hate being in debt to Nook. Besides, I'm the little mooch who moved to an island without any money. lol

But in all seriousness, I'm excited about the free exterior changes. I don't know of any other pros besides the feeeling that everything's paid off.
I'm a completionist, so I couldn't leave it just sitting there. I always pay it off in Animal Crossing. I can't remember what it was, but you get some kind of bonus for paying it off.
I finally paid it off a couple of days ago so I can get the expanded storage options. Before then, I figured it was better to keep my funds available for other projects. I had planned to pay it eventually, but didn’t have a ton of spare bells, so it was a low priority.
In New Leaf I payed off my final mortgage when I obtained all my dreamies and "finished" decorating the exterior of my town (didn't have to pay for PWP anymore). I also had the majority of my house decorated so money wasn't a concern anymore. So I image that I'll do the same in ACNH, and wait to pay off my mortgage until my island exterior is all done.
I don't intend to pay it off. I have extra storage since I have extra characters on my island. I'm also satisfied with the exteriors set for those characters.
I did it right away
always have
even in older games when it didn’t give you a choice if you wanted to upgrade it or not and I wanted to keep the house smaller I’d always pay it off to one bell
As the title asks - will you pay off your house's final mortgage? I know that paying the mortgage off gives you permanent free exterior upgrades (or so I read). Are there any other benefits? I have started to repay my mortgage as a target to achieve, but I wonder if I should be bothering. I have paid my houses off in previous games, maybe just because I am a goody two shoes.
I paid mine off after the last update, because it allowed me to also (for 500,000 bells) increase the storage in my inventory by 800 spaces. I figured that was worth paying it off for! :)
on my last island i payed off the final mortgage in one payment just to see what it would do. it ended up being a disappointment because at the time, the only rewards were remodeling the exterior of the house for free, even though before it only costed 5k :confused:.

On this island though I still plan to pay it off so i can get the expanded inventory.
I eventually did for completion's sake, though I took my sweet time on it. I even bought the storage upgrade even though I've never gone over 900.
I have on all of my characters just for the maximum amount of storage and so I can eventually decorate their houses (even though I am extremely disappointed that there seems to be no plans on letting us having bigger room sizes).
I paid it off because I just hate to be in debt. I know it’s only a game but it was just there and I just had to pay it off 😊. I really do hope that a room expansion is added. Main room is fine and I love the basement and I have a large kitchen upstairs. The back rooms are just too small.
Just started my new island yesterday, but I now have the bells to pay it off, so I’ll definitely be doing it. Besides, I want to get the extra storage option after you pay it all off. More storage is good for me because I’m like a total clothes hoarder. xD
Yes for some characters and maybe for others. Primarily for the extra storage space. I'm in no rush to pay it all off in one go. My main character has all their bills payed, plus the extra storage space, so it's really all I care about atm. :)
I already did ages ago. It doesn't give you much, but it's nice to know its being paid off and I can just spend my bells on whatever I want. 😂
I'm planning on it, but I'm taking my time! I really enjoy a challenge in games and want something to work towards so I'm taking it slow and not trading for IGB because I want to earn slowly.
I did on my main character (just for the sake of completionism) but I'm not gonna bother with my side characters.