I dislike large houses; storage has forced my hand to upgrade as much as I have. My house right now is all empty rooms apart from the main one. I will eventually reach and pay off the final loan for max storage, but the completionist aspect of it isn't something I worry about.
I pay off all the upgrades I do within a day or two of getting them though (just bought the second-floor one).
It was smart of them to make the final storage have to be paid up front. They really should had done that with the final building upgrade (before we got the update) I know many who just don't pay off the loan at the end. And that's kind of an oversight.
I've always payed off the last of my debt to Tom, so I felt like I had to in New Horizons ;A; I always make sure I have a lot of spare bells somewhere, so it wasn't much of an issue.
I did on my main characters house, but I was expecting more than free exteriors and some nook miles. I haven't bothered to pay it off on my other characters houses. I didn't feel it was worth it. Free exteriors are fine, but after mixing and matching like crazy there aren't many I even like. I wish there were more exteriors to choose from. Now you have the added storage if the loan is paid off, and I bought it but I wish it had come earlier. I created other characters and upgraded their houses fully just to have the full storage spaces on them :/
I paid it off just a couple of weeks into the game. It was important to me to make sure I paid it off as soon as possible, even if (at the time) there wasn't any incentive to do so.
I was not going to do it and had saved up a lot of bells and then came the news of expanded storage and I had to spend my saved bells to pay off the mortgage and then had to grind to get the 500K bells to pay for the expanded storage upfront. It was worth it. I have secondary characters but I hated having to log in and log out to see what I had stored with them. I prefer to have more storage for my main character and to just have the secondary characters in order to have more rooms to decorate.
Wow, I didn’t realize there would be all these people who are such good citizens and just paid off the loan because of that! Hehe. I feel like Animal Crossing is my escape from the real world and adulting (which is too hard), so NOT paying off that final loan had been a way to be more wild and adventurous compared to boring real life bills which have consequences, and it fit in with carefree island life
i went without paying it back for months, then the extra storage update came out and i went and immediately paid back my final loan. i desperately want as much storage as i possibly can have
I've fully paid off all 5 of mine. Thankfully it wasn't entirely by myself. A friend of mine who's made like a billion bells in the Turnip Salk Market offered to help me out since I had 5 times the bells to pay compared to most players.
I managed to pay all the loans myself up until the second last one where my friend pitched in around a million bells. He also basically paid all my final loans in full which totaled over 6 million for the 5 houses.
I went ahead and paid it so I can upgrade my storage at a later time. Honestly, if they never announced the storage expansion, I would have just left it unpaid LOL
Ugh... Ok, so I have paid him back the final mortgage payment and... Honestly the reason why is because thats the one accomplishment Ive managed to finish on every version of Animal Crossing.
Here's where im about to seem/sound old... In the old games... I started with the one for Gamecube and when you paid off your house do you know what you got? Because it wasnt some lame "free house remodel per day" type prize... Nook used to erect a gold statue in your honor...
Now I understand why people dont want to pay him back - its not worth it... Unless youre crazy like me... Ill probably do it again, too.
I just hope on the next animal crossing game that they fix this... Bring on the gold statues again! Or at least something Ill actually use... By the time I paid off my house I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like... Either that or go the opposite way and let Nook give us a big red balloon that says "Im an idiot" on it at least then I would have a funny balloon ...