Will you pay Nook back for the final mortgage?

I’ll definitely pay eventually but it’s not currently at the top of my list lol, I have to move some buildings around and redecorate my island so currently I need bells for that. Plus I don’t really need the extra storage right now, I still have plenty of storage space left
I will pay it back but until there are more upgrades added on (if ever), it's nothing I'm rushing to do. Every time I manage to get 100,000 bells, I'll toss those in the ABD to save up for it but that's all. ^-^
I did, because I wanted the remodels, plus I hated seeing it on the ABD.

Not having to wait to purchase the storage upgrade was nice.
I’ll definitely pay him back eventually once I get enough bells for it! I want that extra storage upgrade!
I haven't yet, but I plan on eventually just for a sense of completion.
i might sometime in the future once i’ve had more time to earn more bells but rn all my bells are going toward bridges and inclines lol


despite having earned a tonne more bells since i posted this, i still didn’t have any plans on paying nook back completely, as the only perk at the time was the premise of free house customization, which i wasn’t super interested in. however, the storage expansion that the recent update brought was definitely a motivator and as of last week, my loan is officially paid off! :)
I have two characters and payed both mortgages in full. I want a full-sized house and maximum storage because I am a hoarder.
Before the storage update, I didn't have plan in any near future to pay off the final mortgage LOL. Even in New Leaf I left my game without paying the last loan haha.
Now with the storage update, I desperately needed to pay. I need that storage because where else am I going to store all the simple panels I will need soon? 😭
Both my characters paid them off within a few days.

It's not hard if you do the work, plus I don't like being in debt.
I always imagined that Nook was eyeing me every time I went into town hall wondering when I’ll pay off my loan. Guilt drove me to pay it off
I have payed off all my characters mortgages as I really got into buy/selling turnips.
I had been holding off since there was no benefit, despite having plenty of spare bells. But now that it comes with extra storage, I definitely will! I’m a horrible hoarder:) The 500,000 bells for some extra storage is definitely worth it - by the time you're late enough in the game that you need the extra storage, 500,000 bells isn't much at all. And the free exterior decoration changes are a nice bonus, too!
Before the update I had no plans to, even though I had the funds saved. I finally paid it all off for the extra storage upgrade. My alt character still doesn't have a basement upgrade and I'll likely never pay the rest of his house off because I don't want another room to decorate anyways.
I also pay all morages. Idk. If I don't, it just feel incomplete. I traded some tbt for bells here on this forum, so I am able to get enough bells to pay all my loans with some left over.