I'm not time travelling. I like in-game to match with real time. Besides, with the auto-saving feature time travelling is probably more dangerous to those attempting to achieve and maintain a perfect town status, (if that has returned!) I always aimed for perfect town status to get the golden watering can.
I won't time travel the first day or even the first months. My goal is even to not time travel the entire first year. I also don't think I would even run out of stuff to do on my first day to warant tiem traveling considering I'm only able to start playing in the afternoon and there will be a lot of stuff to do on your first day
I honestly thought with the new save features and all, that it might be not be possible to time travel.
I am definitely not time traveling the first day. I have a full house to share this with. I occasionally do time travel in new leaf to fit my schedule better though - like changing the time so i can visit my shops or be able to participate in holidays.
I'm going to try not to, but as an adult, I'll inevitably have days where I can't play. Some of those days will end up being holidays or other major event days. I'll probably TT backwards to play those days. Assuming it works like NL, then you should be able to TT backwards from real time without any negative effects (including turnips), just as long as you start after the last time you played.
I never TT forward in time in AC, only backwards to play stuff I missed.
No, I never like to tt unless it's to play an event or Holiday that I missed. I work 12 hour shifts every Fri, Sat, and Sun...so unfortunately tt-ing will be neccessary in certain situations.
probably won't time travel for the first few months. especially since release day will be "bunny day" in game. i don't want to miss the first ever holiday!
The update that adds Bunny Day to the game will be available on day one, but that doesn't mean the actual holiday will fall on that day. I'm sure it'll be on Easter, which is coincidentally my birthday this year, lol. (April 12)
Last time when I bought New Leaf, I told myself specifically never to time travel. Guess what, I did anyway and it actually sent me into depression.
It was the first and last time i'll ever get depression, and now that i'm older, I know to listen and not break my own rule this time. Besides, I stopped time travelling altogether in 2015 and only do it when needed. So there's no way I'll be time travelling when I first play.
The only reason I broke my own rule was because I could not wait to see the new stuff. Man, imagine what would happen if I didn't time travel.
I don?t like to time travel, and when new leaf was brand new it was against the rules for a while to encourage it. I feel like rushing the game makes it way less enjoyable
Probably not. I do enjoy TTing, but a big part of the fun of AC is discovering and unlocking new things along the way. It's going to be a fresh experience and I'm excited for it.
with new leaf I TT because i had so much free time and not plenty of things to do in game, but now i have a new job that takes up most of my time so i'll most likely wont have the time to play for as many hours as i was able to with new leaf.
Although I usually do time travel, I'm going to refrain from doing it until I feel I have a good plan for my island.
I also had multiple play-throughs in new leaf, ultimately resetting my town of about 6 or 7 years to have my current town Primary which I'm very proud of but wouldn't have been able to complete without time travelling.
But seeing that we can terraform the island and move buildings, the ability to change my island whenever will be like different eras so to speak. For the beginning of the town I'm not doing any resetting, I want my first introduction to the game to be completely natural.
With so many different languages available, I want to test if changing the language setting of the Switch or the region will allow me to experience the holidays in different regions. If it ends up being possible, I will then compile a list to use throughout the year. I won't be time travelling to every holiday, only one or two to test it out.
I don't normally time travel anyway, so no. I'll be really busy when the game comes out because I'm going on a trip, but this is the perfect game to play in little chunks thoughout the day. Plus, I will probably have people around me in line that will want to see how it looks as well as my friends who love Animal Crossing who will probably swoon over it with me.