Willing to pay/ trade for DLC


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2012
Yellow Candy
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (94) +
The Tanuki clock
The Thanksgiving turkey
The xmas stump
The Yule log thingy
First Sunrise painting

I managed to miss these by either not having the game yet or just poor management on my part.

I'll pay whatever price you want for the item(s) or can trade (just give me a list of things you want and I'll check my catalog for them.)
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I have the Christmas stump and the sunrise painting (if you're referring to the one that acts as a lamp?). Also, if you can get your hands on the Tanuki Clock, do you think I could catalog it?
All right! Well, I will go ahead and add Christerling to my friend roster.

My friend code is in my profile panel

And I am more than willing to share items!
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I have all these!
However the turkey and yule log are not buy-able in the catalog, but I'd be okay with handing them over for cataloging purposes as long as i get them back.
Awesome!!! I'm okay with just not getting the turkey/ log. Can we set up a meeting time? I'm away from home and my 3ds until Tuesday.