Witch's Quest - Closed!

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This was my entry, battery-operated moving toy birds! I got it from a street vendor ^^
Here's mine~


I had a lot of choice, just in my room alone. I love a lot of things with wings, but decided on this special ornament my mum got me quite a few years ago, It's even a music box~! Got a lovely chime.
I found this butterfly perfectly preserved some time ago in my home.. I have no idea how it got there and how on earth it's so perfectly preserved, but I never wanted to throw him away.. guess it was worth it to keep him, as I can finally show his beauty off. 🦋
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So glad I'm at my parents' this year for the fair! I don't have a lot of random belongings but they sure do. That'll help me a lot with being able to participate in more things.

I've been staring at this glorious contraption for a minute now trying to figure out what it's for so I have to ask... what is it? The handle is really throwing me off.
The paper was blocking the feet, but it's a children's toy! When you push it, the feet go around and the head bobs.

Gasp! I love them.

Thank you so much for the demonstration! Definitely did not expect that though!
My guesses ranged from a shovel to one of those extending arm things. I even thought maybe it was an instrument of some sort and the handle wasn't actually a handle. 💀
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